第六章 亚洲洲经济地理.ppt

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第六章 亚洲洲经济地理

第一节 亚洲概述 一、亚洲的面积和分区 (一)面积:4400万平方千米 (二)分区:共分为六个区,分别为东亚、东南亚、南亚、西亚、中亚、北亚。 Section 1 Outlines Of Asia I, Area District Of Asia (I) Area :44,000,000 square kilometers (II) District: Altogether divides into 6 areas: East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia, Central Asia, North Asia。 一、区域性人地关系的基本特点与问题 亚洲自然条件复杂多样,自然资源丰富,人口众多,种族、民族、宗教构成复杂,国家之间、区域之间发展不平衡,导致其人地关系问题复杂而突出。 (一)人口、资源与环境问题 亚洲是一个人口大洲,人口问题比较突出,具体表现为人口增长、人口分布和贫困人口等方面。 众多的人口、较高的人口密度和广泛分布的贫困人口等,给亚洲的资源和环境带来很大压力。 I, Essential Features Questions Of Regional Person Relations The complex natural conditions, the rich resources the large population, the complex constitution of race, nations religions, and the unbalanced development between countries and religions, which all cause the personal relations questions to be complex and prominent. (I) Population, Resources Environment Questions Asia is the continent with a large population which has some problems, such as a fast growth ,a high density and a impoverished group which has brought pressures for the resources and environment. (二)领土及地缘关系问题 亚洲共有48个国家,由于历史原因,许多国家之间存在着陆地和海洋的国土争端问题,这些争端是目前制约亚洲政治经济合作发展的主要障碍之一。 (II) Territory Geography Relations Asia altogether has 48 countries. There are some territory conflicts between some countries, which is the chief obstacle to restrict the Asian politics economic cooperation development at present. 海洋国土问题包括: (1)独岛。 (2)钓鱼岛等岛屿。 (3)南海诸岛。 Sea territory problems include: (i) Dokdo (ii) Diaoyu Islands and so on (iii) South-sea Islands 地缘经济与亚太经济合作 随着冷战的结束,亚太地区的地缘经济合作迅速发展起来。其主要标志是: (1)亚太经济合作组织。 (2)贸易与投资自由化迅速发展。 (3)各层次的区域合作不断加强。 Geography Economic APEC Along with the conclusion of the cold war, the cooperation of the economic develops rapidly. The main symbols are: (i) APEC (ii) Various development of the trade investment liberaliza


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