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An Analysis of the Positive Functions of Interlanguage in Second Language Acquisition By Yan rui A thesis submitted to the Foreign Language and Literature Department of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of BACHELOR OF ARTS In ENGLISH LANGUAGE Baoji, shaanxi May, 2010 An Analysis of the Positive Functions of Interlanguage in Second Language Acquisition Yan rui Abstract: In the researches of the second language acquisition, the study of interlanguage posesses an important position. An interlanguage system is neither the system of the native language nor the system of the target language. It is an independent and thoroughly legitimate system that the learner constructs and gradually close to the target language by the constant learning of the second language learner. This paper sketchy discusses the causes accounting for interlanguage, namely language transfer, transfer due to the effects of teaching, learning strategies, communication strategies and overgeneralization of the rules and structures in the target language and affirms its positive effects in second language acquisition and advocates preventing “verbal fossilization” in foreign language learning, facing the errors in the learning correctly, training the learning strategies and communication strategies of the language learners and arousing the learners’ motivation of leaning a language. This essay stresses a tolerance of teachers for students’ communication-friendly errors, esp. the pragmatic errors in vocal communication. Key words: interlanguage; second language acquisition; second language learners; native language; target language 浅析中介语在二语习得中的积极


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