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1.0 Introduction Faboil Ltd has evolved into a relatively successful organization within the biotechnology field. And now this company has some problems. Richard decided to off-load several tasks to his three project team leader. He does not clearly that manager need to do what. The Carole is the company’s staff. She makes the stress in the work and relationship with the colleague. The following will give the information can help them resolved the problem. 2.1 Analysis the Mintzberg’s 10 Management Roles in the Faboil Ltd Richard is the director of biotechnology in Faboil Ltd Company. But he has failed to understand his role of manager in his team. Because of the company any things not do the better. That means Richard not clears as a leader need to do. As a leader, need to do a lot. Based on the Mintzbergs 10 Management Roles says. This theory is Mintzberg argued that the functional or process school of management was folklore and that functions of management such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling did not accurately depict the chaotic nature of managerial work. Based upon an observational study of five executives, Mintzberg concluded that the work managers actually performed could best be represented by three sets of roles, or activities: interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decision-making roles. He described the interpersonal roles as consisting of figurehead, leader, and liaison. He identified three informational roles: monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson. Finally, he described four decision-making roles that included entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator. In this case, Richard is the manager so he need play a role of monitor. The monitor is means seeking and receives information, scan papers and reports, maintain interpersonal contacts. Richard needs to know the employees skills and their work advantage. It still needs to know the real work level and employees the arrangements of the unable blind. Ri


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