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本科毕业论文 论鲁迅笔下的妇女形象 学生姓名: 董 磊 指导教师: 刘 雨 所在院系: 中文系 所在专业:汉语言文学专业 东北师范大学 中国·长春 2005 年 5月 中文摘要 鲁迅是我国伟大的思想家、革命家、文学家,他的一生始终以抨击旧势力,揭露社会中的黑暗现象为已任。他的笔端时时角及社会现实,贯穿着始终如一的革命的民主主义的人文精神。尤其是对处在封建社会最底层、最易被伤害、被侮辱的中国妇女,鲁迅给予极大的关注和同情。对千万这些妇女悲剧命运的社会根源和思想根源,鲁迅进行广泛而深入的挖掘,表现出作家对妇女问题的关心和对社会问题的独特见解。 在鲁迅的《祝福》、《离婚》、和《伤逝》等一系列小说中,他成功地塑造了众多的生动、深刻而富有典型意义的妇女形象。鲁迅在同情她们的命运,关注她们的生活的同时,也为她们的解放道路作了深层次的探索。本文对鲁迅所描写的女性形象进行了简单的分类,并对每一类女性思想进行了认真的分析,从中体会鲁迅为唤醒她们的意识而发自肺腑的呐喊,探索鲁迅对妇女问题的思考。 关键词: 鲁迅;妇女形象;妇女解放 The contents summary: Luxun is an our country great of thinker, revolutionist, author, his whole life always with attack the old influence, make public the dark phenomenon within society for have already allow.His pen carry always Cape and the society actuality, pierce through the humanities spirit of the democratism of the constant from beginning to end revolution.Particularly is to be placed in the feudalistic society most first floor, the Chinese women who was most easily hurt and is humiliate, the Luxun pay tremendous concern and pity.The social source and the thought sources of the tragedy destiny to these women of ten million, the Luxun carries on the extensive but thorough excavation, expressing the concern of a writer to womens problem and to the unique insight of the social problem. In Luxun of 《 bless 》 , 《 divorce 》 , and 《 harm die 》 a series of novel of etc., he molded numerous womens images of vivid, deep but full of typical model meaning successfully.Luxun at the time of sympathizing with their destiny, paying attention to their life, also for the quest that their liberation road made the deep time.This text carries on the simple classification to the female image that Luxun describe, and to each female the thought carried on the earnest analysis, realizing the Luxun from it for wake their consciousness up but hair



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