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自考高级英语上册Lesson 13 work

Lesson 13 work exceeding extraordinary or exceptional exceedingly :extremely 极其。  irksome irk : to annoy , esp . in a provoking or tedious way  令人讨厌。  如: It irks me to do such tedious work. 做这样无聊的工作让我相一致感到厌烦 irksome tending to irk 令人厌倦的,厌烦的。  -some . 加在名词、动词或形容词上构成形容词。 另如: lonesome 孤独的,冷落的; quarrelsome 爱吵架的; troublesome 麻烦的; wearisome 使人疲劳的,令人厌烦的。 excess more than or above what is necessary 超过部分,过多。 如: You should pay for the excess. Excess of sorrow laughs , excess of joy weeps. 悲极而笑,喜极而泣。  an excess of anger / an excess of enthasiasm 极其愤怒/热情。 carry something to excess 把事情做得过火。  in excess of 超过。 如: He spent in excess of his income . provided (that) : conj . if and only if ; on condition that . 如果,只要。 如: Provided (that) there is no opposition, we shall proceed to carry out the plan. 如果没有反对,我们就开始执行计划。 Provided you pay him he will take the work. mere relief of tedium relief: feeling of comfort at the ending of anxiety, fear or pain 放松。 如:What a relief !  心里多么放松啊!  relief of pain /anxiety 缓解痛楚/紧张。 at a loss: bewildered or uncertain   不知所措。 如: For a moment I was at a loss. 有一阵子我不知所措。 He was at a loss for an explanation of the affair. We are at a loss to understand his motive. 我们对于他的动机一点也不能理解。 exerise Make use of 应用,运用 I’m exerising my right to ask for the receipt.我在行使索要发票的权利。 China resumed exerising its sovereignty over HongKong in Luly, 1997.中国于1997年7月恢复对香港行使主权。 drudgery : 苦工  drudge :a person who does menial, dull or hard work. 勤苦地做单调乏味的苦工的人。 sensation(s) :  widespread excitement or interest. 轰动激动。 first and foremost: 首先,最主要的。 如:Though he has written many books, he's first and foremost a poet. 尽管他写过几本书,他首先是个诗人。  First and foremost , we must have freedom. Desirable, desirous Desirable: to be desired, worth having, satisfactory想要的,值得有的,不错的 There are several desirable houses in this street.这条街有几栋不错的房子。 Desirous: feeling desire向往的,渴望的 He is desirous of obtaining a position in the Civil Service.他非常想在政府机关谋取一个职位。 impair : to make worse; damag


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