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修辞总结 4 types of figures of speech 1. Figures of resemblance or relationship. 2. Figures of emphasis or understatement. 3. Figures of sound 4. Verbal games and gymnastic 1. Figures of resemblance or relationship . These are the most important, interesting, and frequent figures of speech. 1) Simile 2) Metaphor 3) Personification 4) Metonymy 5) Synecdoche 6) Euphemism 2. Figures of emphasis or understatement The chief function of these is to draw attention to an idea. 1) Hyperbole 2) Antithesis 3) Paradox 4) Oxymoron 5) Rhetorical Question 6) Irony 7) Innuendo 8)Sarcasm 9) Ridicule 10) Satire 11) Climax 12) Anti-climax 13) Paradox 3. Figures of sound 1) Alliteration 2) Onomatopoeia 4. Verbal games and gymnastic 1) Transferred epithet 2) Pun 《英语修辞与写作》中的分类 (潘绍嶂,上海交通大学出版社) 1. 语音修辞 2. 语义修辞 3. 话语结构修辞 4. 话语文体修辞 1. 语音修辞 1) 拟声 Onomatopoeia 2) 头韵 Alliteration 2. 语义修辞 1) 明喻 Simile: as, like, as if 2) 隐喻 Metaphor 3) 借喻 Metonymy 4) 双关 Pun 5)移就Transferred Epithet 6)拟人 Personification 7)委婉语 Euphemism 8)夸张 Hyperbole 9)反语 Irony 10)矛盾 Oxymoron 11)典故 Allusion 12)隽语 Paradox 3. 话语结构修辞 1)平行 Parallelism 2)对照 Antithesis 3)反复 Repetition 4)省略 Ellipsis 5)倒装 Inversion 4. 话语文体修辞 1)层进 Climax 2) 渐降 Anti-climax 3)修辞问句 Rhetorical question 4)讽喻 Allegory Onomatopoeia 拟声 指利用词的发音模仿人、动物、或其他事物声音特点的辞格,它可以使语言生动、形象、逼真。拟声词中多用名词、动词或副词。 狗叫声:bark; 母牛的哞叫声:moo, 狮子的吼声:roar 车辆行驶的隆隆声:the rumbling of the truck, 机器声:the whirring of the machine, 自行车铮铮的铃声、电铃声:the tinkling of the bell, 钟表:the ticking of the clock Alliteration 头韵 头韵就是在相连或密切相关的一些词或音节中重复其相同的首辅音或元音的修辞格。头韵简洁生动,具有渲染或加强语言节奏感的效果。在文学作品、新闻报道、广告或口语中经常使用。 Eg.1: A First Lady of Priorities and Proprieties. 第一夫人—贵为上宾,举止得体。 Eg.2: Scandals and scares, booms and busts made 1987 a per



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