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List what is Food Poising List 6 way to prevent Bacterial Poisoning List 2 common Chemical Poisoning List 4 common prevention of Toxic Poisoning 陈述事物中毒的基本概念 陈述预防细菌性事物中毒的6种方法 陈述2个常见化学性事物中毒 陈述4个有毒动植物中毒 培训目标 What is Food poisoning Common food poisoning Characteristic of food poisoning 什么是食品中毒 常见的食物中毒 食物中毒的特征 食品中毒的基本概念 Food poisoning is having poisonous and harmful and polluted foods or food containing poisonous thwt bring about acute, subacute disease. 食品中毒是指食用了被有毒有害物质污染了的食品或是含有毒有害的食品后出现的急性,亚急性疾病 什么是食品中毒 Food poisoning means getting affected by the harmful bacterial inside the food. This will cause stomach upset and other problems. 细菌性食物中毒是最常见的食物中毒,预防细菌性食物中毒对于控制食物中毒的发生,保障消费者身体健康非常重要。 细菌性中毒 常见的食物中毒有哪些 Food that are poisonous by itself before cooking. Examples are : beans and puffer fish. 有毒动植物中毒:是指人们食用了一些含有某种有毒成份动植物而引起的食物中毒。常见的有河豚鱼中毒,高组胺鱼中毒,四季豆中毒,豆浆中毒,发芽马铃薯中毒,毒蘑菇中毒等。 有毒动植物中毒 Chemical ingredients, this means that the food contains ingredients that are genetically modified. 化学性食物中毒是指人们食用被有毒有害化学品污染的食品而引起的食物中毒。常见的有“瘦骨精”食物中毒,有机磷农药食物中毒,亚硝酸盐食物中毒,桐油食物中毒等。 化学性事物中毒 食物中毒的特征 Food poisoning can affect thousands of people and symptoms defer from people To people. It usually take 2-24 hrs to feel the effect. The conditions includes: Vomiting, headache, stomach ache. During may to October, it is the best period For these bacteria to be active and we should be careful. 一般人发病突然,发病人数多且较集中,少则几人,几十人,多则数百人,上千人。 潜伏期根据中毒中毒种类的不同可从数分钟到数十小时,大多数食物中毒的病人在进食后2~24小时内发病,通常化学性食物中毒潜伏期较短,细菌性食物中毒潜伏期较长。 病人的症状表现类似。大多数细菌性食物中毒的病人都有恶心,呕吐,腹痛,腹泻等急性肠胃道症状,但根据进食有毒物质的多少及中毒者的体质强弱,症状的轻重会有所不同。 细菌性食物中毒季节性比较明显,5~10月份气温比较高,适宜细菌生长繁殖,使细菌性食物中毒的高发时期。 大部分的化学性食物中毒和动植物性食物中毒季节性不明显。 The most common type of infection is virus infection. And how this can happen: 1. Mix raw and cooked food. Raw food contains lots of bacteria and should never be placed near cooked food. 2. Human infection. If the person handling the food have a cut or wound, bacteria will be ver


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