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全国旅游饭店服务技能大赛英语口语比赛试题 导游考试 2010-11-21 11:57:37 阅读89 评论0 ??字号:大中小?订阅 题型一 中译英 (一)中式铺床 1. 这是239房间,我想加一个枕头。(This is room 1010; I would like to have one more pillow.) 2. 您可以在房间直拨国际长途。(You can make IDD call in your room.) 3. 我们提供快洗服务,加收50%的额外费用。(We have express service at a 50% extra charge.) 4. 对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?(Excuse me. Do you have any laundry?) 5. 好像电话有问题。(It looks something wrong with the telephone.) 6. 2135房间的浴缸坏了,请派人来修理一下好吗?(The bath tub in room 2135 is out of order/service, can you please send someone to repair/fix it?) 7.我想要一个转换插头。(I would like to have an adaptor/ I need an adaptor..) 8.这是8976房间,请送一个电熨斗。(This is room 8976, can you send me an iron please.) 9.我想要一个客房送餐服务。(I would like to have a room service.) 10. 客房里有小冰箱。(There is a mini bar in your room.) 11.我的房间现在还没打扫过,已经12点了。(My room hasn’t been made up yet. It’s already 12:00.) 12.请接受我代表酒店向您道歉。(Please accept my apology on behalf of the hotel.) 13.我房间的电视图象不清楚。(The TV set in my room doesn’t give clear picture) 14.这件毛衣要用冷水手洗。(I’d like this sweater washed by hand in cold water.) 15.在房间上网是免费的。(It’s free of charge to use internet in the room.) 16. 房间有保险箱。(There is a safe in your room.) 17.这个房间是海景房。(The room enjoys the ocean/sea view) 18. 这是您房间的钥匙。 我们的行李员会带您去房间。(This is your room key. Our bellboy will show you to your room.) 19.我来取您要洗的衣服。(I’ve come to collect your laundry.) 20.酒店为客人提供免费的擦鞋服务。(The hotel provides free shoe shining service for its guests.) ? (二)中餐宴会摆台 21. 您一共有几个人用餐?(How many persons in your dinner party?) 22. 请问您预订的用餐时间是什么时候?(May I know the time for your dinner reservation?) 23.请问以谁的名义预订?(In which name, please?) 24.您愿意吃西餐还是中餐?(Would you like Western food or Chinese food?) 25.您喜欢坐哪个位置?(Where would you like to sit?) 26.这个餐桌的位置可以吗?(Will this table be all right for you?) 27. 抱歉让您等这么久。(Sorry to have kept you waiting.) 28. 您现在点菜吗?(May I take your order now?) 29. 对不起。我马上去给你催一下你的菜。(I’m very sorry. But I’ll go to rush your order right now) 30. 您想喝什么酒? (What wine would you like to have?) 31. 这是菜单。服务员马上就来。(Here is


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