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方法 Method: 在保证100%的分类和季节性的基础上准备排面 To prepare the implementation based on 100% of the assortment and season 以部门排面指南作为员工的指示说明。 To give instruction to staff with department implementation guide 将每个分类的排面指南始终保留在卖场。 To keep permanently in sale area the implementation guide for each group of family 打印每张指南,制作成薄板,贴在每个排面后面 To print out each guide , laminated ,keep behind each display 每月检查一下排面. To review the implementation once month 由谁负责 Who 由生鲜处长和销售主管决定。 Decided by fresh division manager and sales manager 蔬果课 分类陈列图 Department FV Implementation Guide family Customer Flow 顾客流向 蔬果课排面图 Fruit Vegetable Layout Carrefour China Fresh Training Carrefour China Fresh Training 生鲜处排面指南 Fresh Division Implementation 蔬果课 ** FV Department ** 定义 Definition 依照当地的购物习惯,详细清楚地制定在何地,如何排列商品。我们必须考虑到店和处的排面,客流,商品的特性,季节性和促销因素。 Define clearly where and how implement the merchandise according to local shopping habit . We have to take into account store and division layout ,customer flow, products specificity, seasonal and promotion factors . 目的 Objective 使所有的分类和单品排面标准化。 Standardize all family items implementation 使顾客舒适购物. To make customer purchase comfortable 依照季节段来改变排面. To change implementation according the seasonal period 部门准备和促销管理. To arrange and manage promotion in the department 改善生鲜处的组织机构,提高生产力。 To improve organization and productivity of Fresh division 生鲜处排面指南 Fresh Division Implementation Guide 生鲜处排面指南 Fresh Division Implementation Guide 生鲜处排面 Fresh Division layout 要点 Keys points : 顾客的第一感觉:TG的量感,22部门商品的新鲜 First feeling by the customers should be : volume through TG , freshness in dept 22 promotion 营造自由市场购物氛围 Customers feel like in wet market ! 尽可能的将走道位置空开。 The alley are free as much as possible 加工商品和未加工商品必须分开。 The cooked and uncooked are products are separated 生鲜处位于门店的 尽头,靠近收银线,方便顾客购物后离开 The fresh division is at the end of the store and close to the cashier line , easy to leave afte


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