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Chapter Objectives 本章目标 The four specific objectives of this chapter are: 本章四个明确的学习目标: 1. EXAMINE how MNCs evaluate political risk. 分析跨国公司如何评价政治风险 2. PRESENT some common methods used for managing and reducing political risk. 阐述当前管理和降低政治风险的常用方法 3. DISCUSS strategies to mitigate political risk and develop productive relations with governments. 讨论降低风险和同政府发展有效关系的战略 4. DESCRIBE challenges to and strategies for effectively managing alliances. 阐述有效管理联盟的挑战及应对策略 The Nature and Analysis of Political Risk 政治风险的特性及其分析 Political risk 政治风险 The likelihood that a business foreign investment will be constrained by a host government’s policy. 跨国公司的对外投资受到东道国政府政策约束的不可预测的可能性 Macro political risk analysis 宏观政治风险分析 Analysis that reviews major political decisions likely to affect all enterprises in the country 评估可能影响该国所有商业活动的主要政治决策 Micro political risk analysis 微观政治风险分析 Analysis directed toward government politics and actions that influence selected sectors of the economy or specific foreign businesses in the country 主要是评估影响该国经济的某些因素或是某些外国公司的政府政策和活动 Macro Risk Factors 宏观风险因素 Freezing the movement of assets out of the host country 冻结东道国资产的流动 Placing limits on the remittance of profits or capital 对涉及利润或资产的汇款施加限制 Devaluing the currency 通货贬值 Refusing to abide by the contractual terms of agreements previously signed with MNC 否认先前与跨国公司签订的合约条款 Industrial piracy (counterfeiters) 工业造假(假冒伪劣产品) Political turmoil 政治动乱 Government corruption 政府腐败 2006 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2006年透明国际组织全球腐败指数 Corruption Perceptions Index 腐败指数 Micro Risk Factors 微观风险因素 Some MNCs are treated differently than others 一些跨国公司受到的待遇不同于其它企业 Industry regulation 产业规则 Taxes on specific types of business activity 商业活动中的特殊税收类型 Restrictive local laws 不同地区的法律约束 Impact of WTO and EU regulations on American MNCs 世界贸易组织和欧盟的规则对美国跨国公司的影响 Government policies that promote exports and discourag


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