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对了, 今天我们就将学习一些我能为老人做些什么的英语表达法。 what can I do? key points Phrases: an old woman, help old people on the road, make tea, make cakes, clean their homes, make them happy, get on or off the bus, carry things. Sentences: What can I do? I can make them happy. I can help them on the road. Let’s help old people. 总结 * * * * * * * * * * Unit 7 What can I do? B Let’s learn C Let’s practise 安平中小 Nancy English daily.天天英语 I smell a rat.我觉得事情不妙。 这句话并非指真的闻到死耗子的气味,而是指感觉到某事不太对劲。所谓 smell a rat 就是说你觉得有些事情不对劲, 但一下子又想不起来倒底是哪里有问题。比如你去买汽车,觉得汽车外表、价格等看起来很不错,但你就是隐隐约约觉得哪儿不对劲,直觉告诉你就是不能买这部车。这时,你就可以用这句:I smell a rat。又例如有人跟你说有一个工作月入十万, 工作轻松。这种事你相信吗? 当然不, 这时你就可以说, I smell a rat。 I can play games dance do my homework send greetings play chess sing … Brainstorm(头脑风暴) speak English an old man老爷爷 an old woman老太太 让我们一起来帮助老人。 old people 老人 Now I want to ask you to think a question: what can I do for the old people? 现在我想要大家思考一个问题: 我能为老人做些什么呢? 扶老人过马路,打扫房间... Today we are going to learn some expressions about what can I do for the old people. Now its phrase learning. 接下来就是短语学习。 01 沏茶 make tea 01 [me?k] 01 做蛋糕 make cakes 01 [keiks] 01 打扫他们的房间 clean their homes 01 [e??] [h?ums] 01 使他们开心 make them happy 01 [‘h?pi] 01 扶老人过马路 help old people ?[pipl] on the road [r??d] 01 01 提东西 carry things 01 ?[k?ri] ?[θ??z] 01 上车 get on the bus 01 get off the bus 下车 I can sing to them. I can make them happy. What can I do? 我能为他们唱歌,我能使他们开心. 开心,高兴 I can help them to get on or off the bus. What can I do? 我能帮他们上车或下车。 或者 I can help them on the road. I can help them to carry things. What can I do? 我能帮他们过马路。我能帮他们提东西。 马 路 We can help them to clean their homes. What can I do? 我们能帮他们打扫房间。 打扫 Group work Thinking: what else can I do?我还能做什么其它的呢? I can play games with them. I can help them to read a newspaper. * * *


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