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Advances in Computer Science Research (ACSR), volume 61 7th International Conference on Education, Management, Computer and Society (EMCS 2017) A Tentative Study on the Fine Teaching Model of “Vocational to Undergraduate” Marketing Course Based on the Idea of Rotating Classroom Yansong Li College of Finance and Business, Bohai University, Jinzhou 121000, Liaoning, China Abstract. Under the guidance of the concept of rotating classroom, the reform on the fine teaching model for the marketing course of vocational to undergraduate is mainly carried out from three aspects: pre-class warm-up, classroom control and result comments. Pre-class warm-up is mainly done well in the survey of student situation and learning needs, the design of teaching documents and learning plan, the activities arrangement of assessment project and training; Classroom control is to grasp the details of the links promotion, behavior observation and ability enhancement; the two aspects of job evaluation and satisfaction survey should be done well in the process of results assessment. Keywords: Rotating classroom; Vocational to undergraduate; Marketing courses; Fine teaching 基于“转动课堂”理念的“中职本”营销类课程精 细化教学模式初探 李艳松 (渤海大学,金融与商贸学院,辽宁 锦州,121000 ) 摘要:在“转动课堂”理念的引导下,针对“中职本”营销类课程进行的精细化教学模式改革,主要从课前热身、课堂控 制、结课评价三个方面进行。课前热身主要是做好.学生情况与学习需求调查、教学文件与学习计划制定、考核项目与训练 活动安排;课堂控制主要把握好环节推进、行为观察、能力提升的细节;结课评价则须做好成绩评定和满意度调查两方面工 作。 关键词:转动课堂;中职本;营销类课程;精细化教学 中图分类号:G642.41 文献标志码:A 1 相关概念的阐释 1.1 转动课堂① 转动课堂是渤海大学于2015 年提出并倡导的新教学理念。它是渤海大学作为省属地方性综合性大学, 为实现培养“适用性人才”的人才培养目标,突破以知识传授为核心的传统课堂教学模式,以“转动”为 特色,重新构建课程知识体系、课堂教学环节和多类教学活动,从而形成知识领悟、技能训练和能力提升 并重的互动式新型教学模式。 “转动课


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