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Chinese Journal of Health Informatics and Management, Apr.2014, Vol.11, No.2 中国卫生信息管理杂志2014年4月第11卷第2期 Informatization on Hospital Operation 医院运营信息化专栏  doi:10.3969/j.issn. 1672-5166.2014.02.04 临床科室医用耗材闭环管理的探讨 刘  婕① 文章编号:1672-5166 (2014)02-0113-05 中图分类号:R-31 ;R194.5 文献标志码:A 摘  要 目的利用管理与信息技术手段解决我院科室库房(二级库房)管理中的难点问题,实现医用耗材的 闭环管理。方法 通过建立管理机制强化耗材管理,并借助管理创新工作推动系统应用,在物资标准化与物价- 物资对照的基础上打通信息流,构建医用耗材的闭环管理体系。结果 初步实现了医用耗材的闭环管理。结论 探索医用耗材的闭环管理对推动物流、资金流、信息流的一体化管理具有积极意义。 关键词 二级库房 医用耗材 物资系统 闭环管理 Exploring the Implementation of the PDCA Management to Hospital-using Consumptive Materials of Clinical Departments Liu Jie Aviation General Hospital Of China Medical University, Beijing 100012, China Abstract Objective The research attempts to solve the managerial obstacles of the hospital warehouse (second-tier warehouse), via the approaches of management as well as information technology, achieving the implementation of the PDCA Management to hospital-using consumptive materials. Method Based on the innovation of management, it achieved the successful utilization of information flow and developed the PDCA Management machinery to hospital-using consumptive materials, via establishing managing machinery enhancing the management of consumptive materials. Results Foundationally, it achieved the implementation of the PDCA Management to the hospital-using consumptive materials. Conclusion The exploration of the implementation of the PDCA Management to hospital-using consumptive materials shows a spectacular significance in promoting the integrated management of logistics, cash flow and information flow. Key words Second-tier warehouse, Hospital-using consumptive materials, Material system, PDCA management 1 引言 医用耗材是临床医疗必不可少的物资,其质量、保障及时性和价格特


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