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PAGE II 中文题目:基于JSP技术的企业信息交互系统的设计与实现 外文题目: Design and Implementation of JSP-based Enterprise Information Interaction System 毕业设计(论文)共 51 页(外文文献及译文11页),图纸共 0 张 完成日期2009年6月 答辩日期2009年6月 PAGE I 摘 要 随着网络时代的降临,各企业为改善资源配置、提高经济效益和增强企业综合实力而加快企业信息化步伐,已经基本结束各自为政的各业务部门独立建设的阶段,迫切需要把企业内部已经建设、部署好的业务系统,联通起来,构建整体的企业信息化体系。本文所述的是基于JSP技术的企业信息交互系统的设计与实现,本信息系统将采用JSP技术进行设计与实现,以JSP+JavaBeans的三层设计模式来设计开发JSP平台应用。利用JSP的嵌入式特性控制用户界面作为系统前台,使用Bean封装具体复杂的业务逻辑操作作为中间层,之后便是数据库作为数据存储层。本网页主要在Eclipse的环境下运行的,连接SQL server 2K数据库。开发完成后,本系统将是一套界面友好,编码规范,功能齐全,使用方便的适应各中小型企业工作人员使用的内部信息交互系统。 关键词:企业信息;信息交互;JSP;三层架构 ABSTRACT With the time of the Internet, coming,enterprises speed up steps of informatization for improving resource allocation,increasing economic benefits,and enhancing enterprises comprehensive strength. Have almost finished the period of independant construction for each business department.to construct the whole business information system, it needs to get together the constructed and deployed business system of intra-business in urgent.. This paper is based on JSP technology of the enterprise information interaction system design and implementation, this information system will adopt the JSP technology in design and implementation, the three layers JavaBeans + JSP design pattern design development platform JSP. Take use of the character of JSP Embeded type to controls user interface as system foreground. Mesosphere is the bean encapsulation s complex business logical coperation,and data storat layer is database.this web page is mainly under eclipse operation, contact SQL serve 2K database.This system is a set of friendly interface,coding standard,complete fuctions, it is still an internal inforamtion system which fits staffs of each medium enterprise. Key words: Enterprise Information;Information interaction;JSP;MVC 目录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z  HYPERLINK \l _Toc232672135 1 项目概述  PAGEREF _Toc232672135 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc232672136 1.1 现系统的概述  PAGEREF _Toc232672136 \h 1


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