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附件八: 武汉纺织大学 毕业设计(论文) 课题名称: 四缸发动机凸轮轴的工艺设计 完成期限: 2010年12月1日至2011年5月30日 院系名称 机械工程与自动化学院 指导教师 徐巧 专业班级 机设073 指导教师职称 讲师 学生姓名 向冲 院系毕业设计(论文)工作领导小组组长签字 摘 要 凸轮轴作为汽车发动机配气机构中的关键部件,其性能直接影响着发动机整体性能。因此凸轮轴的加工工艺有特殊要求,合理的加工工艺对于降低加工成本、减少生产环节以及合理布置凸轮轴生产线具有很大的现实意义。本文针对凸轮轴的加工特点,结合工厂的实际,从前期规划开始,对凸轮轴的加工工艺进行了深入的分析、研究。对凸轮廓形进行计算和推倒,对凸轮轮廓的加工进行了探讨并提出适用于发动机凸轮轴的加工方法。凸轮轴对其工作要求、部分精度较高,如轴上的油孔的加工、法兰盘孔的加工等。凸轮轴的工艺过程,我们尽量做到清晰明了,在保证表达清楚的基础上,尽量做到简练。凸轮轴是轴类零件中比较复杂的一种曲轴,而在磨削加工方面,凸轮轴也是比较难以加工的轴,这种轴类零件的加工方法一般都是大同小异的。凸轮轴的加工一般是先经过车床的车削加工,制成半成品;然后经过相应的热处理;再就是对凸轮轴各部分的磨削加工;最后就是经过相关工序的处理和检验合格后就可以入库了。 关键词:四缸发动机; 凸轮轴; 加工工艺 ABSTRACT Camshaft Engine Valve as a key component in its performance directly affects the overall performance of the engine. Therefore, the processing technology camshaft has specific requirements for a reasonable process to reduce processing costs, reduce production processes and the rational arrangement of the camshaft production line of great practical significance. In this paper, the processing characteristics of the camshaft, with the actual plant, starting from the pre-planning, on the camshaft of the process conducted in-depth analysis and research. Convex contour shape of calculated and pulled down the processing of the cam profile are discussed and made applicable to the processing method of the engine camshaft. Camshaft its work requirements, some high precision, such as the axis of the hole of the process, the flange hole processing. Camshaft process, we have clarity as far as possible, in ensuring the basis of clear, concise and as far as possible. Cam shaft of the more complex is a crankshaft, and in the grinding, the cam shaft is relatively hard to process, this shaft parts are generally similar to those of processing methods. Camshaft after the processing is generally the first turning lathe, made of semi-finished products; and then after appropriate treatment; then


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