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毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 某大桥35米后张法预应力 混凝土简支T梁桥上部结构设计 英文题目: 35 meters of a bridge post-tensioned Concrete simply supported T beam bridge structure design 系 : 专 业: 班 级: 学 生: 学 号: 指导教师: 职称: 指导教师: 职称: 摘  要 本次设计的是35m后张法预应力混凝土简支T梁桥上部结构设计。根据相关技术规范要求,通过设计任务书、开题报告给出的基本数据,设计上部构造形式、横截面相应宽模度、预置高度、边梁悬臂长度、截面尺寸等 本设计采用的是后张法预应力混凝土的简支T型梁桥,35mT梁的计算跨径是34.0m,梁长34.96m,主梁为变截面T型梁。路基全宽26m,半幅桥梁宽12.75m,两侧采用刚性护栏宽度各0.5m,不设人行道;桥面铺装采用10cm沥青混凝土9cm水泥混凝土;车道数为双向4车道;汽车荷载是公路-Ⅰ级。上部构造形式采用5梁式;梁宽模数为B=2.4m,T梁预制高度为2.25m。 具体包括以下几个部分:桥型布置,结构各部分尺寸拟定;选取计算结构简图;恒载内力计算;活载内力计算;荷载组合;配筋计算;预应力损失计算;截面强度验算;截面应力及变形验算。 使用的工具有:”CAD”绘图软件、”MathType”数学公式编辑器、”桥梁博士”计算软件。 35 meters of a bridge in Xinjiang post-tensioned Concrete simply supported T beam bridge structure design Abstract The design of a bridge in XinJiang 35m post-tensioned prestressed concrete simply supported T beam bridge structure design. According to the relevant technical specifications, through the design plan, opening report gives the basic data, design the form of superstructure, the corresponding cross-section width of Modular, preset height, beam, cantilever length, section size, etc. This design uses a post-tensioned priestess’s concrete simply supported T-beam bridge, 35mT calculations span beam is 34.0m, beam length 34.96m, the main beam for the variable cross-section T-beam. Sub grade full width 26m, half of the bridge width 12.75m, on both sides of the width of the rigid barrier 0.5m, with no sidewalks; asphalt concrete pavement 9cm by 10cm cement concrete; Drive number of two-way 4 Drive; car load highway - Ⅰ level. Superstructure forms a 5 beam; beam width modulus B = 2.4m, T precast beam height 2.25m. Specifically include the following components: bridge layout, structural dimensions of various parts of the development; select the calculation structure diagram; dead load of the internal force calculation; Live Load calculation; load combination; prestressed steel beam and the layout of the estimation; reinforcement calculation;


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