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对外经济贸易硕士研究生毕业论文 02 级国际贸易专业 中国政府采购的现状及对策分析 周春燕 2005 年 5 月 [摘要 ] 政府采购制度作为一种约束和规范政府购买活动的财政支出管理制 度 是一种有效实现公共资源优化配置的机制,对社会经济的影响日益重大 随 着我国加入 WTO 进一步完善与国际接轨的政府采购制度非常必要 本文在深 入剖析 WTO 政府采购协议 基本原则 具体规定和总结国际政府采购的惯例 与经验的基础上 运用统计 比较分析等方法 对中国政府采购的模式 流程 实践与现状进行了比较和实证分析 分析了现有政府采购制度的弊端 提出了 有效地改进和完善既有中国特色又能与国际惯例接轨的政府采购制度的建议 [分类号] H57 [关键字] 政府采购 WTO 政府采购协议 政府采购法 招标采购 II 对外经济贸易硕士研究生毕业论文 02 级国际贸易专业 Analysis of the Present Condition and Mechanism of Government Procurement of WTO and China’s Countermeasures Chunyan Zhou May 2005 Abstract: Mechanism of government procurement is a public finance expenditure management system that standardizes and stipulates the government purchasing. It is a kind of mechanism of realizing rational distribution of public resource effectively, whose impact on social economy is getting stronger and stronger. As entering WTO, consummating the mechanism of government procurement of China in line with international practice is very essential. In analyzing basic principle and concrete regulation of “The Agreement on Government Procurement ” and summarizing international convention and empirical experience of government procurement, this paper has analyzed the mode, procedure, practice and present condition of China's government procurement and indicated the existing irregularity of system of government procurement by using such methods as statistics, comparative analysis, substantial evidence analysis etc. Finally tabled a proposal to improve and perfect the new government procurement mechanism that not only has Chinese characteristics but also accord with international practice. JEL Classification: H57 Key Words: government procurement; government procurement mechanism; The Agreement on Government Procurement; bidding III 对外经济贸易硕士研究生毕业论文 02 级国际贸易专业 致谢 作者感谢导师张家瑾老师的精心指导  本文主要的工作是在张老师悉心指 导下得以完成的  张老师严谨细致的研究作风  循循善诱的教导和不拘一格的 思路给予作者很深的教益和启迪  在本论文写作过程中  同窗好友罗铭志牺牲 了很多时间帮助收集和整理资料  作者在此一并表示感谢 I 对外经济贸易硕士研究生毕业论文 02 级国际贸易专业 中国政府采购的现状及


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