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My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains. on a vacation 在度假 go on a vacation 去度假 during the summer vacation 在暑假期间 我在北京度假。 I’m on a vacation in Beijing . 我想去度假。 I want to go on a vacation. mountain (n) 可数,山,山脉 go to the mountains 去爬山 in the mountains 在山里 我想去爬山。 I want to go to the mountains. on a vacation =on vacation 在度假, 美国英语习惯用语。 summer vacation 暑假 winter vacation 寒假 holiday “假期”, 英国英语常用的词汇, 一般 是几天的休息, 如各种节日或休假日。如: On holidays summer holidays/vocation 暑假 The weather here is cool and cloudy, just right for walking. be right for 适合… 那件大衣你穿正合适。 That coat is just right for you. 炎热的天气适合游泳。 The hot weather is right for swimming. 【例句】 1. They are too tired. They need to relax. 2. I want to have a relaxing evening at home. 3. Jane is listening to music. She is really relaxed. ① relax作动词,意为“休息、放松”,可单独使用,后面也可以跟宾语。 relax, relaxing relaxed ② relaxing作形容词,意为“使人放松的、轻松的”,作定语时常修饰物,作表语时 其主语通常是物。 ③ relaxed也作形容词,意为“放松的、得 到休息的”,作表语时其主语通常是人。 Dear Xiao Lu, It’s winter in Harbin. The weather is ______ and _____. People are wearing hats and sweaters, but they’re having fun. Friends are ______ Russian bread to take home. In a park, some boys are ______ in the snow. One girl is _______ on a river and a man is ______ a photos of a snowman. I miss you. Kate windy snowy 3a Fill in blanks with the words in the box. skating buying playing taking snowy windy playing buying skating taking take photos 照相 take a photo of sb/ sth 给某人某物照相 如: Please take a photo of my baby. 请给我的孩子照一张相吧。 3b Imagine you are on vacation. Write notes about your vacation. Where are you? What’s the weather like? What are you doing right now? What are your friends or family doing? Are you having a good time? 3c Write a postcard to a friend. Tell your friend about your vacation and what you are doing. Dear John, How’s it going? Are you still busy with school or are you on vacation now? I’m v



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