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Application Note:AN_SY6982C High Efficiency, 2A, Two-Cell Boost Li-Ion Battery Charger Preliminary Specification General Description Features SY6982C is a 3.0-5.5VIN, 2A two-cell synchronous Low Profile QFN3x3 Package for Portable boost Li-Ion battery charger integrates 1MHz switching Applications frequency and full protection functions. The charge Integrated Synchronous Boost with 18V Rating current up to 2A can be programmed by using the Low RDSON FETs for High Charge Efficiency external resistor for different portable applications and Trickle Current / Constant Current / Constant indicates the charger current information simultaneous. Voltage Charge Mode It also has a programmable charge timeout and Adaptive Input Current Limit with selectable adaptive input current limit with selectable threshold threshold for safety battery charge operation. SY6982C can Maximum 2A Constant Charge Current disconnect output when there is output short circuit or Charge Current Information Indication. shutdown happens. It consists of 18V rating FETs with Programmable Charge Timeout extremely low ON resistance to achieve high charge Programmable Constant Charge Current efficiency and simple peripheral circuit design. Constant Voltage Selectable Thermal Regulation Protection SY6982C along with small QFN3x3 footprint provides External Shutdown Function small PCB area application.


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