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25 5 机器人 ROBOT Vol. 25, No.5 2003 9 Sept. , 2003 : 100220446(2003) 0520419205 X 1, 3, 4 1, 2 1 1 叶长龙 , 马书根 , 李斌 , 王越超 ( 1. , 110015; 2. ; 3. , 110023; 4. 100039) : . , ., ., . , , , . : ; ; ; : TP24 : B COUPLED2DRIVE BASED JOINT DESIGN OF A SNAKE ROBOT AND ITSBODY2LIFTING METHOD 1,3,4 1, 2 1 1 YE Chang2long , MA Shu2gen , I Bin , WANG Yue2chao ( 1. Sheny ang I nst it ut e of A ut omat ion, Sheny ang 110016, Chi na ; 2. D ep art ment of Syste ms Engi neer ing , I baraki Univ ers ity ; 3. She ny ang Univer si ty of T echno ogy , 110023; 4. G raduate Schoo of t he Chi nese A cademy of Scie nces 100039, Chi na ) Abstract: A novel joint mechanism for snake2like robot has been designed, which has 3 degrees of freedom among then 2 degrees of freedom are driven through coupled drive. The snake2like robot composed of these joints can acquire larger moment and larger workspace. In this paper, we present the principle of the joint design that is based on coupled drive, and introduce t he lifting method of the snake2like robot and the effect of maximum joint angleA. Through the analysis, we draw a conclusion that the number of units that the snake2like robot possibly lifts is the square of the number of units t hat the snake2like robot can directly lift. This is also confirmed by a simple example. Key ords: snake2like robot; coupled drive; modualarization; lifting method 1 (Introduction) . Ma[ 1, 2]


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