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Chinese J ournal o Ecolog y 2005 , 24( 8) : 907~ 9 12 * 郭笃发 ( 山东师范大学地理系, 济南 2500 14) 19 861996 200 1 , A RC/ IN FO , , , , 1986 2001 , 1996 , , ; , 3 km , , , , , F30 1. 24 A 1000- 4 890( 2005) 08- 0907 - 06 Land cover and landscape pattern changes of costal wetland in YellowRiver Delta. G UO Du a (Department of Geograp hy, Shandong Normal University , Jinan 2500 14, China) . Chinese Journal of Ecology , 2005 , 24( 8) : 907 ~ 912. R eg ional land u se and land cover chang e is an important part o global change. Based on the land cover data in 1986, 1996 and 200 1, and employing AR C/ IN FO so tw are and landscape ecolog y method , this paper studied t he past 15 years land u se and landscape pattern changes ( LU L PC) in coastline bu er zone ( 3 km) o Bo hai Sea, w ith the a ect deg ree and scope analyzed. T he results show ed that spat ially, the land use degree compre hensive index ( ) o Bohai Sea coastline bu er zo ne in 19 86 and 2001 increased w it h t he distance to Bo hai * * Sea coastline ( X ) , w ith the linear correlation equations 86 = 7. 72 8X + 96. 584, R = 0. 979 , and 01 = * * 19. 156X + 112. 2, R= 0 . 9 83 . While in 1996, the index did not change dramat ically. T emporally, the in dex increased rom 19 86 to 1996, as w ell as rom 1996 to 2001. O ther landscape pattern index es ex cept domi nance index had no signi icant corr elatio n w ith t he distance to the Bohai coastline. Key words land cover, land u se deg ree comprehensive index, landsca


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