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第 33 卷 第 2 期 采矿与安全工程学报 Vol.33 No.2 2016 年 03 月 Journal of Mining Safety Engineering Mar. 2016 文章编号:1673-3363-(2016)02-0305-061 风积沙区超大工作面开采 生态环境破坏过程与恢复对策 卞正富,雷少刚,刘辉,邓喀中 ( 中国矿业大学国土资源研究所,江苏 徐州 221116) 摘要 风积沙区超大工作面开采具有所处生态环境脆弱、开采强度大等显著特点,由此引起的生 态环境损伤不同于传统开采方法或高强度开采在东部矿山引起的生态环境损伤特征。将风积沙区 超大工作面开采生态环境破坏过程划分为岩层破断、地表沉降、地表动植物生境变化与土地利用 变化以及矿区生态系统随时间推移演替等4 个过程;分析了风沙区超大工作面开采后地裂缝、土 壤水、地下水位、植被覆盖与生物多样性等关键生态环境要素的变化规律;提出风积沙区生态环 境恢复的对策应是保护与修复并举、自我恢复和人工修复并重,具体需要结合生态环境要素的受 损伤程度及生态修复目标确定生态恢复对策。 关键词 鄂尔多斯煤田;生态恢复;高强度开采;风积沙区 中图分类号 TD 88 文献标志码 A DOI 10.13545/j.cnki.jmse.2016.02.018 The process and countermeasures for ecological damage and restoration in coal mining area with super-size mining face at aeolian sandy site BIAN Zhengfu ,LEI Shaogang ,LIU Hui ,DENG Kazhong (Institute for Land Resources,China University of Mining Technology,Xuzhou ,Jiangsu 221116 ,China) Abstract Fragile ecological environment and strong mining intensity are the distinctive characteristics of the super-size mining face at aeolian sandy area. Thus, the ecological and environmental damages induced in aeolian sandy area are quite different from that in Eastern China. The environmental damage process has been divided into four stages in this paper: strata failure, ground subsidence, habitat change of the animal and vegetation, and succession of the ecology system at the mining area. The formation and changing rule of ground fissures, distribution soil moisture, changes of groundwater, and plant spe- cies diversity coverage under the impacts of underground coal mining have been analyzed. Finally, the paper


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