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第 3卷 第 2期 交 通 运 输 工 程 学 报 Vol. 3  No. 2 2003年 6月 Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering June 2003 : 1671-1637( 2003) 02-0022-05 1 2 1 1 刘宏友 ,魏晓东 ,曾  京 ,王 勇 ( 1. ,   610031; 2. ,   266031)  : 论述了各种风挡的 力学建模处理过程,结合单节客车 力学计算模型,以三节客车作为 一个列车单元建立了列车 力学计算模型。通过求解描述列车系统的运 微分方程组,得出了列车 蛇行运 稳定性、 态曲线通过性能及运行平稳性等方面的一系列数值仿真结果。 计算结果表明, 列车的失稳 一般由尾车尾部转向架的蛇行失稳引起;列车的曲线通过性能随着曲线通过速度的提 高、 曲线半径的减小而迅速降低; 中间车的运行平稳性明显优于头车和尾车;密接式风挡的运行平 稳性最差,因此建议加装缓冲装置以提高装备密接式风挡列车的 力学性能。 : 车辆工程;风挡;铁路客车;列车; 力学性能 : U260. 331. 7   : A Effect of vestibule diaphragm device on train dynamic performance 1 2 1 1 - , - , , L I U Hong you WEI X iao dong ZEN G Jing WAN G Yong ( 1. National Traction Pow er Lab. , Southw est Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China; 2. , 266031, ) Sifang Rolling Stock Research Insti tute Qingdao China Abstract: The modelling of vestibule diaphragm was discussed. Based on the dynamic model of a , . single passenger car a train dynamic model with three passenger cars w as derived By solving the differential equation groups to describe the train system, a series of simulation results about hunting motion stability , dynamic negotiation and ride comfort w ere w orked out. The results show that the hunting motion of the train is due to the last bogie of the last car; the negotiation ability gets worse with the increasing of curvin


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