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CAD(=Computer Aided Design) (n.) design and drafting performed interactively on a computer计算机辅助设计 [例] Each student majoring in architecture should learn CAD. Call 1. (n.) visit, telephone call访问,电话 [例] The salesman plans to make seven calls. 2. (v.) telephone打电话 call on (v.) visit拜访 [例] He will call on our major customers next week. campaign (n.) plan of action(商业)活动 [例] advertising campaign candidate (n.) person who puts himself/herself forward for a job候选人,应聘者 [例] Several managers normally interview one candidate because this increases the likelihood of making a good choice. [同义词] applicant canteen (n.) factory restaurant食堂 [例] All the employees of the company have their lunch in the canteen. canvass (v.) to go through (a region) or go to (persons) to solicit votes or orders游说,向… 拉选票 或拉生意 [例] Please canvass your customers for orders. capacity (n.) amount which can be produced生产能力 [例] We are working at full capacity. capital (n.) money, property and assets used in a business(投入)资本 [例] One company can open just one capital account in the bank according to the Chinese regulation. caption (n.) short description under a photograph or illustration 文字说明,字幕 [例] We have noted your letter of November 28 under the above caption. [同义词] title captive market (n) a situation where buyer’s have no choice of goods or have to deal with only one seller 垄断市场 [例] This firm is the only manufacture of CD players in the country and gains a lot from such captive market. [同义词] monopoly capture (v.) take占有,夺取 [例] We captured 20% of the market. career (n.) job or profession for which one is trained and which one intends to do throughout one’s life事业生涯 [例] People have to decide how important work and career are to be in their life. carrier (n) a person or business that transports goods for commercial purposes 承运人 [例] Please arrange the carrier for delivering this batch of goods. [同义词] haulier carry on (v.) continue坚持 [例] Your team can carry on that project from now on. ca


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