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I idle money (n) money that is not circulated or invested and does not earn interest 闲置资金 image (n.) view or opinion that people have about a company or product印象,形象 [例] Corporate image is important to a company. impact (n.) a strong effect冲击 [例] The ad had tremendous impact. [同义词] collision implement (v.) put into action执行 [例] All the prevailing regulations should be implemented in our practice. [同义词] execute, carry out implementation (n.) putting into action执行 incentive (n.) something which motivates激励 [例] We need to offer incentives to people joining the company. [同义词] inducement, motivation income (n.) 1.wages and salary工资 [例] Employees expect their incomes to be maintained and carry on rising. received through operations or investment收入 earned income money earned through work劳动收入 unearned income money received from investments 非劳动收入,投资收入 increment (n.) a regular increase 增加 [例] The demand is on the increment. [同义词] increase, addition incur (v.) become liable for, have to pay招致 [例] We have incurred heavy debts. indemnity (n.) a promise to compensate for damage or loss 补偿,赔偿 [例] This would involve an indemnity of 1,000. [同义词] compensation, insurance index (n.) statistical figure showing relative increase or decrease指数 retail price index indicator of the rate of inflation零售价格指数 indicator (n.) something which is significant指标 [例] A key indicator is the inflation rate. industrial (adj.) referring to manufacturing work实业的 [例] Industrial marketing is very different from consumer marketing. industrial action (n.) strike(罢工等)劳工行动 industrial relations (n.) relations between management and workers劳资关系 inefficiency (n.) inability to produce good results quickly无效率 [例] A third problem area is the organizational stress and inefficiency usually associated with conflict. inflate (v.) increase artificially, without reason(通货)膨胀 [例] The local currency inflates in the money market but the government can’t find out the reason. inflate the economy acti


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