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appendix 附件 1.0 commonly used exercises 1.0 常用练习 fore/aft drills 前后平衡 The following exercises are some examples of how to develop a skier’s fore/aft balance. 以下练习可以帮助前后平衡。 exercise – Ankle flexes 专项练习——踝关节屈曲Description 内容 ? both ankles are flexed evenly fore and aft ? 前后屈伸踝关节,两脚幅度一致 Goal ? to develop mobility in the ankle joint ? 培养踝关节的? refine fore/aft balance ? 改善前后平衡Ski Performance – even pressure will be maintained along the length of the ski 雪板表现——沿雪板方向平均分配压力 ? can be done stationary ? 可以静态? while in a straight run ? 直滑降时练习? throughout a turn ? 转弯时练习Movements of the body 身体运动 ? dorsiflexion closes the ankle joint and applies pressure to the front of the ski boot ? 踝关节,向雪靴前部施压? plantarflexion opens the ankle joint and pressure is felt on the back of the ski boot ? 跖屈打开踝关节向雪靴后部施压NB – the flexing of the ankle joint must be complemented by movement in the knee and hip in order to maintain even pressure along the length of the ski 注意:的屈伸辅以膝和臀部运动,才能雪板平均压力 exercise – shuffle turns 专项练习——曳步转弯 Description 内容 ? both feet shuffle back and forth throughout linked turns ? 在连续转弯时前后挪动双脚Goal 目的 ? to develop mobility while maintaining fore/aft balance ? 保持身体平衡的同时增加灵活性? can be used to highlight a phase of the turn where student is out of balance fore/aft ? 可用于着重练习学生失衡的转弯阶段Ski Performance 雪板表现 ? skis should remain parallel throughout the turn. Can be done in a skidded or carved turn ? 转弯全程保持平行式。可以搓雪或卡宾转弯过程中Movements of the body 身体运动 ? shuffle is done by movement of the femur in the hip socket ? 通过在处股骨双脚? flexion and extension movements in the ankle, knee and hip are required to maintain centred stance ? 通过踝膝髋屈伸运动保持的身体姿态? upper body and hand position remain stable ? 上身和手保持稳定 exercise – jumping throughout the turns 专项练习——转弯Description 内容 ? small jumps are made throughout linked turns ? 在连续转弯时做小跳? the whole ski leaves the snow and remains parallel to the snow ? 雪板全离,与雪面平行? can also be done during straight runs ? 也可以在直滑降时练习Goal 目的 ? to challenge and refine centred stan


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