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最近看到了一个帖子关于用PS这样一个,漫画风格的照片修改过程,着实让人震撼! 如果自己能够学会,将自己的照片进行修改,作为头像或网络资源,或着送给女友的礼物 呵呵我想一定乐趣无穷^_^!不过,这还是一个需要相当强Photoshop功底的修改过程, 我的能力很有限,学了很久,水平还是很一般 现在还是拿来跟的分享一下吧!(英文教程转贴)和那些大师及的作品 a) Preparing the Canvas Open your picture in photoshop that is going to become pop art and duplicate the layer called Background. (Just click the layer called Background and drag it to this icon at the bottom of the layer window to duplicate the layer.) Rename this new layer dots. (To rename a layer right-click on the name in the Layer Palette and select Layer Properties). Create another new layer and fill it bright blue using the Paint Bucket tool Drag this layer between the two existing layers and rename it something meaningful i.e blue. The image below shows what your Layer Palette should look like. This is the basic set up to begin. Now working on the dots layer we need to clear out all the unwanted parts of the photograph. In this case I want to isolate Scarlett and delete the rest i.e lilac background and bit of text. To cut out Scarlett I use the Pen Tool. Now to sum up how to use Photoshops pen tool in a few sentences isnt easy...if you have never used the pen tool before, do the first. Remember to make sure the pen tool is set to create a Work Path.See below. *NOTE: You could use the eraser tool but the results wont be as professional. Take the pen tool create a path around the person (or thing) and then make it into selection. Invert the selection (CTRL + Shft + i) and hit delete. Deselect (Ctrl + D) b) Making the Dots Desaturate the dots layer (Ctrl + Shft + U). Next adjust Threshold to something dramatic (still working on the dots layer). Image Adjustments Threshold... The settings I used are shown in the image below, but you will need to experiment to see what threshold settings works for YOUR image Using Threshold will leave the image looking very pixelated (jagged). So apply Gaussian Blur (approximately a 2-3 pixels should do it). Filter Blur Gaussian Blur


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