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AngⅡ对人心房肌细胞膜钾通道电流影响及替米沙坦拮抗作用   作者:张殿新,黄岚,王海昌,张荣庆,程何祥,刘兵,张清,郭文怡 【关键词】 膜片钳术   【Abstract】AIM: To observe the effects of angiotensin Ⅱ (AngⅡ) on potassium currents of human atrial myocytes so as to reveal the mechanisms of atrial arrhythmia induced by AngⅡ, and to provide a laboratory basis for the application of angiotensin Ⅱ receptor antagonist in the treatment of atrial arrhythmias. METHODS: Single human atrial myocyte was isolated and the conventional wholecell configuration of patchclamp technique was used to detect membrane Ik1 and Ito. The experiment was conducted in four groups: control group, AngⅡ group, telmisartan group, and AngⅡ + telmisartan group. RESULTS: Compared with the control group, AngⅡ of 0.1 μmol/L significantly decreased the peak density of Ito in human atrial myocytes (pA/pF,6.55±0.52 vs 12.65±1.06 , Plt;0.01). Under the voltage of -100 mV, AngⅡ significantly increased the peak density of IK1 (pA/pF, -9.31±1.02 vs -5.23±0.98 , Plt;0.01). Telmisartan of 0.01 μmol/L had no significant effect on Ik1 and Ito in human atrial myocytes, but it antagonized the effects of AngⅡ. In AngⅡ + telmisartan group, the peak density of Ito (pA/pF, 11.74±1.28) and the peak density of IK1 ( pA/pF, -6.13±1.15) were both significantly different with those in AngⅡ group(Plt; 0.01). CONCLUSION: AngⅡ has significant electrophysiological effects on human atrial myocytes. AngⅡ of 0.1 μmol/L significantly increases the peak density of IK1, but decreases the peak density of Ito in human atrial myocytes. Telmisartan antagonizes the effects of AngⅡ on human atrial myocytes.   【Keywords】 telmisartan; potassium channels; patch clamp techrieques; heart atria; muscle cells; angiotensinⅡ   【摘要】目的: 观察AngⅡ对人心房肌细胞膜钾电流的作用,揭示其参与房性心律失常的电生理机制,为应用AngⅡ受体拮抗剂治疗房性心律失常提供实验基础.方法: 急性分离单个人心房肌细胞,采用全细胞膜片钳方法记录内向整流钾电流(Ik1)、短暂外向钾电流(Ito).实验分4组:对照组,AngⅡ(01 μmol/L)组,替米沙坦(001 μmol/L)组,AngⅡ+替米沙坦组.结果: 与对照组相比,01 μmol/L AngⅡ使人心房肌细胞膜Ito峰值电流密度明显下降(pA/pF, 655±052 vs 1265±106,P<001), 在-100mV电压下使IK1 峰值电流密度显著升高 (pA


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