全球排名前五位市场研究公司Microsoft Word 文档.doc

全球排名前五位市场研究公司Microsoft Word 文档.doc

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全球排名前五位市场研究公司Microsoft Word 文档

Kantar市场研究集团 Kantar市场研究集团(The Kantar Group):全球最大的研究、分析和咨询网络之一 Kantar市场研究集团官方网站: / 英文 Kantar集团简介   Kantar是全球最大的研究、分析和咨询网络之一。集团在全球60个国家或地区有160个办事机构。它致力于帮助客户更好地理解其市场、品牌和消费者,从而制定更卓有成效的商业决策。   Kantar隶属于WPP集团, Kantar集中了各式各样杰出的市场营销预测和咨询企业——他们都是各自领域的专家,而且能无缝地合作,帮助客户从全盘和战略高度解决商业问题。旗下有众多优秀的市场研究和咨询公司。这些公司都是各自领域的专家,能够提供全方位的、战略性的解决方案,为客户解决其业务问题   Kantar集团旗下的公司包括:Added Value, BMRB, BPRI, Center Partners, Diagnostic Research, Fusion 5, Glendinning, Henley Centre, icon, IMRB, Kantar媒介研究, Lightspeed Research, Management Ventures, Mattson Jack, Millward Brown(明略行), pFour, TNS Research International 和 Ziment。   Kantar媒介研究是Kantar集团旗下专门提供媒介领域研究服务的公司。其服务包括TGI,并在IBOPE和Markest拥有少数股份。 Kantar集团英文简介 The Kantar Group (TKG), based in Fairfield, Connecticut, and London, was founded in 1993 as the Information and Consultancy Division of WPP Group plc, a London-based public company. Eric Salama is the current chairman and Chief Executive Officer of TKG. He earned a (MSc) at the Birkbeck, University of London. Research-only revenue in the United States for 2005 was estimated at $439.2 million, up 6.7 percent from 2004. In 2005, 64.5 percent of total research-only revenue, or $798.0 million, was estimated from outside the United States. The growth rate includes 2004 and 2005 revenue from acquisitions of Marketing and Planning Systems in July 2004, DaVinci Healthcare Partners in August 2004, Consumer Health Sciences in March 2005 and Dynamic Logic in June 2005. The Kantar Groups research business in the United States, with an estimated 2,300 full-time employees, includes Millward Brown Group, Research International, The Ziment Group, Lightspeed Research, Kantar Operations and Mattson Jack Group. Kantar集团旗下公司简介 Millward Brown Group Millward Brown Group (MBG); based in Naperville, IL, was founded in Warwick, England in 1973 and acquired by WPP Group in 1989. Millward Brown provides a range of qualitative, quantitative and consulting services with respect to brands, marketing communications,


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