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东北农业大学学士学位论文           学号:跨国公司企业文化差异及对策 Analysis on Cultural Differences and the Countermeasures of Multinational Enterprises 学生姓名:叶琦 指导教师:王杰 所在院系:经济管理学院 所学专业:工商管理 研究方向:工商管理 东 北 农 业 大 学 中国·哈尔滨 2011 年 5 月 摘要 随着世界经济一体化的到来,全球出现了越来越多的跨国公司,甚至是无国籍公司。这些公司有遍布世界各个国家和地区的分公司、合资公司及控股公司,公司内部会有来自不同文化背景的员工,公司的经营管理如营销、战略决策等也会面对不同国家地区的文化差异。如何在各种不同的地区文化背景差异下,进行跨文化管理,制定出企业跨国经营的发展战略,从而更有效地管理和发展企业,也日益成为一个决定企业兴衰存亡的关键因素。 本文主要从不同的文化差异和文化冲突着手,分析研究跨国公司企业文化的差异,如何形成适合企业跨国经营的企业文化,建立一整套与企业文化相适应的完善的内部管理模式和管理机制,制定符合外部文化环境的企业营销战略和企业全球发展战略,从而为中国企业如何进行跨文化管理提供有力的借鉴经验。 关键词: 跨国公司 企业文化 文化差异 Analysis on Cultural Differences and the Countermeasures in Multinational Enterprises Abstract With the arrival of the integration of the world economy, global appeared more and more multinational company, even stateless company. These companies have across countries and regions in the world branch, the joint venture company and holding company, internal will have staff from different cultural backgrounds, the companys management such as marketing and strategy decision-making, could also face different countries and regions of the cultural differences. How in various different areas under the cultural background, differences, make a cross-cultural management enterprise multinational business development strategy, and thus more effective management and development of enterprise, also increasingly become a key thriving enterprise decision factors. This article mainly from different cultural differences and cultural conflict, analyze and study the multinational companies to cultural differences and how to enterprise for multinational management form of enterprise culture, create a set and the enterprise culture adaptation of the perfect internal management mode and management system, establishing the external culture environment with enterprise marketing strategy and enterprise global development strategy for Chinese enterprises, and how to conduct cross-culture management provide powe



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