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高层建筑网络系统及电气设计 摘要 住宅是人民生活重要的物质条件,是衣、食、住、行这四大国计民生当中解决了温饱之后最重要的生存条件。因此住宅建设是人们最关心的问题之一。住宅电气设计要求:安全、经济、且符合规划要求、与周围环境协调、考虑进行改造的可能。掌握住宅中建筑电气的发展趋势,了解现代化住宅内的电气设施标准,已成为一项刻不容缓的任务。 本工程强电设计的内容包括照明插座设计和供配电设计两部分。照明灯具的选择布置和照度计算以及线路导线选取是照明设计的重要组成部分。供配电设计是建筑电气设计的重要内容,用电设备所消耗的功率称为电力负荷。电力负荷根据其重要性和对供电可靠性的要求,分为三级。本次设计对象属二级负荷,由二回路供电,低压配电方案采用混合式接线方式。 弱电设计的内容包括消防系统和电讯综合布线系统。初步地设计火灾自动报警系统,能够尽早发现和通报火情,防止和减少火灾危害,保护人身和财产安全。综合布线系统是建筑物或建筑群内部之间的传输网络,它能使建筑物或建筑群内部的语音、数据通信设备、信息交换设备、建筑物自动化管理设备及物业管理等系统之间彼此相连,也能使建筑物内的信息通信设备与外部的信息通信网络连接。 关键词: 电气照明、消防报警、网络布线 Abstract The housing is the lives of the people important physical conditions, above the clothes, the food, lives, in the middle of the line of these four big national economy and the peoples livehood has solved the warm and sufficient condition the most important survival requirement. Therefore the residence construct is one of people most issue of concern. Housing electricity design request: The security, the economy, also conform to the plan requirement, with the environment coordination, the consideration carries on the transformation the possibility. Grasps in the housing to construct electrical the development tendency, understood in the modernized housing the electrical facility standard, has become a urgent duty. This project strong electricity design content designs two parts including the illumination plug design and for the power distribution. The illumination lamps and lanterns arrangement and the degree of illumination computation as well as the line conductor selection is illuminates the design important constituent. Is constructs the electrical design for the power distribution design the important content, the power which the current collector consumes is called the power load. The power load acts according to its importance and to the power supply reliable request, divides into three levels. This design object is two levels of loads, by two return routes power supplies, the low pressure power distribution plan selects t


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