the dip Change This(倾角变化这).pdf

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the dip Change This(倾角变化这)

Pushing Through the dip How to Become the Best in the World By Seth Godin By Seth Godin Info Hide/Show menus next The relentless rush to be mediocre. that’s what my new book, The Dip, is really about. Or, to be a lot more positive about it, it’s about avoiding temptation and gravity and becoming the best in the world. You may already believe you’re the best at what you do. But chances are, you don’t. Chances are, you’re settling, getting along, doing the best you can... given the circumstances. I’m amazed at how quickly people will stand up and defend not just the status quo but the inevitability of it. We’ve been taught since forever that the world needs joiners and followers, not just leaders. We’ve been taught that fitting in is far better than standing out, and that good enough is good enough. Which might have been fine in a company town, but doesn’t work so well in a winner-takes-all world. now, the benefits that accrue to someone who is the best in the world are orders of magnitude greater than the crumbs they save for the average. no matter how hard-working the average may be. I’ve never met anYO ne—anYO ne—WHO needed t O S ettle fO r BeIng average. BeSt IS a S lOt t Hat’ S ava IlaBle tO everYO ne, SO meWH ere. Info /11 I wrote this Changethis manifesto for you because, without even meeting you, I’m sure that if you understood what was at stake, you’d quit. early and often. You’d do whatever was necessary to not get stuck in the dip, to cease to be mediocre. People fly across the country to eat dinner in the restaurant they consider the best in the world. Hr execs open up their budgets to meet the salary demands of employees they consider the


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