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二副面试前主要应准备关于职责范围内的问题,如图海图(电子海图)、如何修正海图、地理 常识、海事专业出版社及船上图书馆的管理、制定航路计划、船上药品管理、装卸货值班、正常海 上值班、垃圾处理、其他所负责的设备的维 (ISM)以及《公护和保养等问题。当然,也可能会问及《国际安全管理 规则》司安全管理体系》方面的知识和问题。就目前中国船员整体状况而言,二 副职位的船员英文水平和业务水平越来越好。对于没有外派经历的二副,建议抓紧时间补习英文, 特别是专业英文。下面收集了一部分问题,可供参考。1. Can you tell me about your education background and working experience Omitted Please refer to the same questions for the master.2. Can you tell me about your last vessel Omitted Please refer to the answers to thesame questions to the master or chief officer.3. What are your responsibilities as a Second Officer The Second Officer is the navigational officer and sometimes also medical officer on board. Besides the Second Officer shall assist the Chief Officer. His duties may include the following:1 Navigation watch keeping from 1200 to 1600 and from 0000 to 04002 Chart and navigational publication corrections3 Passage plan making4 Usually working as the designated communications officer5 Maintenance of communication equipment instruments and spare parts on boardthe ship6 Care of all the basic navigation equipment and instruments including magnetic compasses gyrocompasses gyro repeaters rime changes depth sounders and course recorder.7 Maintenance of inventories of the stationery8Medical duties and other duties designated by the Master or Chief Officer. 9 Some other work designated by master or Chief Officer.二副应该能用自己的语言流利地说出自己的职责。4. Please briefly describe the procedure of dealing with navigational warnings. Firstly I shall register the navigational warnings in the Register Book and record the warning number in the card. Secondly I shall select the charts that are affected by the warnings. Then I shall use pens scissors and glues to fix permanent notices. I shall also usepencils to fix tem- porary and preliminary notices. The charts are to be corrected according to all the concerned warnings. When I correct the chart I shall frequently consult the geographical index.5. Can you describe the charts correction procedures Please


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