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解析MWC的串口通讯 一使用的软件 二使用的MWC定义串口协议文件 updated 04 July Multiwii serial protocol was redesigned: ? to be light, as before ? to be generic: it can be used transparenlty by a GUI, OSD, telemetry or home made config tool. ie no more specific OSD code should be coded in multiwii ? to be bit wire efficient: only requested data are transmitted in a binary format ? to be quite secure: data are sent with a checksum, preventing corrupted configuration to be injected. ? to be header sensitive: as it is designed with a specific header, it can be mixed with other frame, like GPS frame ie, it will be possible to connect either a GUI or a GPS on the same serial port without changing the conf ? to be less sensitive to evolutions: ie in case of parameter evolution, the main protocol will remain compatible and the GUI will be much less version dependent. variable data length allows to consider only the beginning of a message, leaving the other octets at the end to extend transparently the message (for instance to add a new PID) I thought first about an implementation of Mavlink, but I think its not what I was looking for. Even with a partial implementation, the predefined structures are not light enough for what I have in mind. Some messages are however inspired from mavlink structure. The main rule remains: Multiwii never sends something on its own. A request must be done in each case to retrieve or set data. Each messages received are acknowledged even if there is no data inside. There are 2 main messages to consider: ?request message to multiwii ?multiwii output message request message to multiwii To request simple data without parameters / send a specific command / inject new parameters in multiwii messages are formated like this: $M[data length][code][data][checksum] 1 octet $ 1 octet M 1 octet 1 octet [data length] 1 octet [code] several octets [data] 1 octet [checksum] [data length] can be 0 in case of no param command multiwii output message messages are format


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