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How to become a man of genius Bertrand Russell para.1 A man of genius knows it all without the need of study; his opinions are pontifical and depend for their persuasiveness upon literary style rather than argument. two necessity: one-sided prejudices and passions para.2 Carlyle 卡莱尔 Nietzsche 尼采 D. H. Lawrence 劳伦斯 Aztec 阿兹特克 o Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) Nietzsche, Friedrich (Wilhelm) (1844-1900), German philosopher, poet, and classical philologist, one of the most provocative and influential thinkers of the 19th century. Be known for criticizing Christianitys compassion for the weak, glorifying the will to power. The idea of “overman or superman” D.H. Lawrence (1885–1930) English author, one of the primary shapers of 20th-century fiction. All of Lawrence’s novels are written in a lyrical, sensuous, often rhapsodic prose style Sons and Lovers (1913), The Rainbow (1915), and Women in Love (1921 ) Aztec 阿兹特克(或译为阿兹台克、阿兹提克)是一个在14世纪-16世纪的墨西哥古文明,其传承的阿兹特克文明与印加文明、玛雅文明并称为中南美三大文明. 阿兹特克文明(Aztec Civilization)是墨西哥古代阿兹特克人所创造的印第安文明,是美洲古代三大文明之一。主要分布在墨西哥中部和南部。形成于14世纪初,1521年为西班牙人所毁灭。 其特异习俗之一是以活人为祭品,每年有数千人被祭神灵。武士以献身祭坛为荣。 para.3 learn the art of denunciation. denounce in such a way that your reader thinks that it is the other fellow who is being denounced and not himself. You must denounce persons whose emotions are atrophied, persons to whom only plodding study can reveal the truth. Translation It is essential to appeal to prejudices and passions of which men have begun to feel ashamed and to do this in the name of some new ineffable ethic.必须在某种避讳的伦理的名义下去关注人们开始觉得难为情的偏见和激情。 He scours the world for what is ancient and dark and loves the traces of Aztec cruelty in Mexico.他在全世界搜寻古老而阴暗的东西,钟情于墨西哥阿兹特克人留下的体现其残酷的遗迹。 Woman exists, in his philosophy, only as something soft and fat to rest the hero when he returns from his labors. 按照他的哲学,女性的存在就是为劳累一天而归的伟大男性提供一块又软又滑的温柔乡。 You must denounce persons whose emotions are atrophied, persons to whom only plodding study can reveal the truth,


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