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第 27卷第 4期 计算机应用 V ol. 27 No. 4 2007年 4月 ComputerApplications Apr. 2007 : 1001- 9081( 2007) 04- 0909- 04 刘华峰, 金士尧 ( 国防科学技术大学 并行与分布处理国家重点实验室, 湖南长沙 410073) (redfox_ lhf@ yahoo. com. cn) : 三 传感器网络在现实世界中的空间结构远远复杂于二 传感器网络当前大多数研 究采用的随机空间结构假设, 不能完全代表三 传感器网络的实际需求因此提出三种空间对称的 立方格结构传感器网络, 并利用空间镶嵌理论分析其覆盖特性同时, 针对现有随机结构无线网络中 相变现象的分析工具复杂的问题, 采用箱覆盖技术推导了随机结构三 传感器网络的临界覆盖半径 : 三 传感器网络; 立方格; 空间镶嵌; 箱覆盖 : P393 : A Threedim ensional sen sor networks: spatial structure and coverage p roperty LIU H uafeng, JIN Shiyao (National Laboratory f or Parallel andD istributed Processing, National University of Def ense Technology, ChangshaH unan 410073, Ch ina) A bstract: he spatial structure of threedmi ensional(3D ) sensor networks ism uch m ore comp licated than that of two dmi ensional(2D) sensor networks. he random structure assum ptionwh ich is adopted bym ost of the current researchers cannot satisfy all demands of 3D sensor networks in real life. hen, three spatial symm etric cub ic lattice structures w ere proposed. he coverage properties of them w ere analyzed based on the spatial tessellations theory. In addition, since previousw orks on random structured w ireless netw orks used soph isticated probab ilistic tools to derive their bounds, a smi pler analysis technique named b incovering w as app lied to get tight threshold for coverage properties of random structured 3D sensor networks. K ey w ords: threedmi ensional sensor networks; cub ic lattice; spatial tessellations; b incovering [5] 0 引言 [ 6, 7] , ()


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