影视英语 尼森最后一次出演飓风营救.doc

影视英语 尼森最后一次出演飓风营救.doc

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影视英语 尼森最后一次出演飓风营救

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:影视英语 尼森最后一次出演飓风营救 Liam Neeson will once more reprise his role as retired CIA agent Brian Mills in the upcoming action film, Taken 3. We抳e already seen an incredible trailer for the forthcoming film, though it showed far more than fans may be comfortable with in terms of its story, it was still a great watch to get everyone pumped. Unfortunately, for long time fans of the franchise, actor Liam Neeson has said this will be his last outing as Mills, as the story is starting to drag on. 连姆·尼森会在即将上映的动作大片《飓风营救3》中继续扮演退休CIA特工布莱恩·米尔斯。我们已欣赏过这部影片精彩绝伦的预告,虽然在剧情方面,预告为粉丝们呈现的已经远远超出预料,但是该片仍然能让各位看客全程无尿点。不幸的是,连姆·尼森对于长时间支持他的粉丝们说声抱歉,这将会是他最后一次出演米尔斯,如果故事还有续篇的话。 Speaking with Latin Post, Neeson said he would be going on the run this time around, from both the law and the crooks of the world he has angered in the past. The actor believes this upcoming movie will be a huge hit, too, and it抯 hard to argue against that. Neeson is a beloved actor, and the majority of films he stars in do quite well, with a few exceptions, of course. 连姆对《拉丁邮报》说道,他在这一回合中会继续出演这位对过去的法律和恶棍的世界充满愤懑的特工。他相信这部即将上映的影片会获得巨大的成功,而且这是毋庸置疑的。连姆是位受人爱戴的演员,而且他出演的大多数电影都连连获赞,当然少数除外。 According to Oscar-winning actor, Forest Whitaker, the audience is attracted to the quiet heroes, and Liam offers that in spades with his films, especially the Taken franchise. Whitaker will have a role in Taken 3, but the two infamous actors won?t be battling head-to-head within said movie. That is unfortunate, as a final stand between the two could be an exceptional scene. However, Whitaker said a fight between the two would have to wait until Taken 4. 根据奥斯卡获奖演员福里斯特·惠特克所述,观众们会被沉默的英雄所吸引,而且连姆在他的系列电影中确实出演了这样的人,尤其是《飓风营救》中。惠特克在《飓风营救3》中会出演一个角色,但是在电影中两位名声狼藉的演员不会有肉搏战。幸运的是,两位对手戏的最后一幕是值得瞩目的。然而,惠特克说,两位的战争可能要延迟到《飓风营救4》中才能呈现了。 Neeson shows no interest in reprising the role of Mills for a Taken 4, however, so Whitaker may just be jumping ahead of himself at this point. The studio working on Taken 3 h


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