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To: Emperor Futures Limited Overseas Commodities Futures (Corporate account) We______________________________________________________(company name)hereby confirm that:- 1. our company and the department (including the principal, branch, agency or office) in charge of the transactions carried out under our account(s) maintained with Emperor Futures Limited (“Transactions”) are NOT located in *Japan and/or the United Kingdom (“UK”) and/or the United States of America (“USA”) 2. notwithstanding the main office is located outside or inside *Japan and/or the UK and/or the USA (as the case may be), NONE of the departments of our company located in *Japan and/or the UK and/or the USA (if any) is involved in the Transactions; 3. our company is NOT based in Singapore (regardless of the place of incorporation); and 4. we shall inform you immediately if there is any change in the status under (1) and ( 3) above. Signature: (with company chop) Date: * Please circle the appropriate ones. 致:英皇期貨有限公司 海外商品期貨(公司戶口) 我們_________________________________________________________(公司名稱)確認: 1. 本公司及公司負責於英皇期貨有限公司戶口之交易( 「該等交易」)的部門(包括總公司、 分行、代理商及辦公室)不是位於* 日本及/或英國及/或美國 ; 2. 無論公司的主要辦事處在* 日本及/或英國及/或美國與否(視乎實際個案而定),所有在* 日本及/或英國及/或美國的本公司部門(如有)都沒有涉及在英皇期貨有限公司之戶口的 該等交易; 3. 本公司的總部並非設於新加坡 (不論註冊地);及 4. 如上述(1)及(3 )項的狀況有變,我們會馬上通知 貴公司。 簽署: (請蓋公司印章) 日期: * 請圈出所適用的 OCD Last Updated: 09/20 15


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