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Java版坦克大战的分析与实现 摘 要 J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition)就是Java2的标准版,主要用于桌面应用软件的编程的飞速发展而诞生的一项新的开发技术。随着的日益普及、Java功能在上的实现Java应用程序产生的增值服务逐渐体现出其影响力对丰富人们的生活内容、起着不可忽视的作用。J2SE架构的游戏——坦克大战。本采用面向对象的设计模式,对游戏中的所有物体赋予对象的概念和属性。运行程序后允许用户选择执行选项菜单在开始游戏后对背景的所有物体进行绘图。在主程序运行的线程中,画面刷新将以一定的频率对屏幕重绘,实时反映整个游戏的进行状态。用户控制的坦克运行在主线程中,随屏幕刷新的频率而移动。坦克将在游戏开始时进行初始化,然后将坦克绘制在地图的上层。Java良好的跨平台特性在软件的开发中显示出了巨大的威力,“一次编写,随处运行”,java系统可以运行在不同的操作系统和硬件上。随着linux的持续增长以及MacOSX完全支持java技术,跨平台的特性变得越来越有分量。 由于免费、跨平台、java语言本身技术先进,在高校中,java已经成为许多学科研究、课程和计算的首选语言,用java做上机作业,一般都是鼓励的。据我所知,北大、清华许多院系的研究生入学考试都可以用java语言答题。实际上,用java来完成这些工作,大多数情况下要比用C或其他语言简洁得多,你可以把注意力集中在算法等核心部分,从而获得更高分数。 关键词:面向对象坦克大 Analysis and implementation of online survey system Abstract The 21st was one take the network as the information age, the computer technology, the networking already seeped to the government, the school, in Enterprises and institution’s routine work. Along with societys development, many professions need to have the massive information to understand that the specific users needs, the tradition makes the law is the organization massive manpower and resources to the user sending out survey form, then carries on to the collection information counts and obtains the wish result. But this tradition makes the law to waste in a big way, the efficiency is low, the cycle is long. In order to change this phenomenon, also has such present situation regarding the school, along with university populations increase, teacher and schoolmate communicates mutually is very difficult, thus I have designed one about the teaching management on-line questionnaire survey system, hoped that can give everybody to bring conveniently. This online investigation system uses the modulation object-oriented design concept, uses Java and the Jsp technology. Uses the J2EE programming thought specifically, with frames and so on Hibernate had the following function: Started to investigate, the filling in investigation, examination investigation filling to progress, fu


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