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基于Android的万年历的设计与开发 摘 要 随着移动互联网的高速发展,人们无时无刻不在利用移动终端,智能手机已经普遍进入广大人们的手中,人们可以随时随地的利用移动手机来查看信息,上网等,当然也迫切需要随时随地的掌握日期,节日,日程安排等重要事情,Android版电子万年历应运而生。鉴于现在市场上Android版万年历的功能简单、操作不方便、广告太多等众多因素,需开发一种功能强大、操作方便、实用性强的万年历软件。本课题开发的万年历利用Android开发平台采用Java+Android语言,通过万年历的算法实现阳历和阴历的查看功能,通过Webservice技术实现天气预报查看功能,通过Sqlite技术实现星座、周公解梦等的查看功能,通过Service和Notification实现提醒功能。 关键词:Android平台;万年历算法;WebService技术;Sqlite Android-based calendar design and development Abstract With the hight-speed development of the mobile internet.The smart phone has been generally into the hands of the majority of the people.People can use mobile phones to check the information, surf the internet and etc at any time and any place.Of course,there is an urgent need to master festival,the schedule and other important things at any time and at any place.So the electronic calendar of the andorid version came into being.In the view of the Android calendar’s function on the market is not very powerful or not easy to operate, or also has too many advertisements, So we need to develop a powerful ,easy to operate and practical calendar software.This System uses the Android development platform and Java+Android language,by using the calendar algorithms to implement the function to see the gregorian calendar and lunar calendar, using webservice technology to implement the function of the Weather Forecast, using Sqlite technology to implement the function to see the Constellation and the Duke Dream, using the Service and Notification to implement the function of the Real-time alerting. Keywords: Android platform; Calendar algorithms;Webservice technology; Sqlite 目 录 摘要 i Abstract ii 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究的背景和意义 1 1.2 研究内容 1 1.3 预期目标 1 2 关键性技术 2 2.1 SQLite技术 2 2.1.1 SQLite介绍 2 2.1.2 Sqlite支持的SQL语句 2 2.1.3 Sqlite的特征 2 2.1.4 SQLite注意事项 2 2.2 WebService技术 3 2.2.1 WebService简介 3 2.2.2 WebService技术和规则 3 2.3 Android平台 4 2.3.1 Android平台简介 4 2.3.2 Android应用程序框架 4 2.3.3 系统运行库 5 2.3.4 系统内核 6 2.3.5 APK文件结构 6 2.3.6 中介软件 7 2.3.7 安全权限机制 7


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