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香港中文大學聯合書院 UNITED COLLEGE, THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 2015-2016 年度新 生住宿申請須知 Notice to Freshmen Applicants for Hostel Places (2015-2016) (一) 20 15-2016 年度之宿期由20 15 年9月 6日 至2016 年5月底;本年度的宿費應為港幣$11,458(伯 宿及陳宿改裝的二人或三人房宿費港幣 $7,642 ),因獲大學及本院一次性津貼,現調整至港幣 $10,892 (伯宿及陳宿改裝的二人或三人房宿費調整至港幣$7,264 ),分兩期繳交。另宿生須繳付 宿生會費港幣$40及宿舍按金港幣$1,000 。 The residential term for 20 15-2016 will start on 6 September 2015 and end in May 2016 . The hostel fee for standard rooms should be HK$11,458 (HK$7,642 for converted double/triple rooms in CCHH and BH). However, with a one-off subsidy from the University and United College, the concessionary hostel fee for standard rooms is HK$10,892 (HK$7,264 for converted double/triple rooms in CCHH and BH), to be paid in two installments. All students are also required to pay a Residents’ Association fee HK$40 and a refundable deposit HK$1,000. (二) 所有本科生都有機會在修業期間入住宿舍最少一年,非本地生及交換生的申請 必獲分配宿位。 遴選宿生之基本準則為居住地區及家居環境,其次為課外活動參與程度,特殊情況如健康理由 、 家庭理由或於在學期間從未入住學生宿舍的畢業班同學 等亦在考慮之列。 All undergraduate students are given the opportunity to stay in student hostels for at least one year during their studies. Hostel places are guaranteed for applications from non-local applicants and exchange students. The criteria for selection include (a) the student’s residential district (b) his/her living environment and (c) his/her participation in extra-curricular activities. Special consideration may be extended to students with health and/or family problems. Final-year students who have never lived in hostels previously will be given priority. (三) 申請人須透過書院網頁 .hk/webform/view.php?id=916142


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