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柔道選手柔道選手運動表現運動表現歸因傾向之研究歸因傾向之研究 柔道選手柔道選手運動表現運動表現歸因傾向之研究歸因傾向之研究 盧彥丞 中華醫事科技大學 運動健康與休閒系 摘摘 要要 摘摘 要要 近年來 ,國內運動歸因研究引起了運動心理學界的廣泛興趣 ,其進展已從理論研 究已轉化實際測驗的研究分析 。許多研究證明,個體的運動歸因傾向性,會影響著選 手的情緒 、態度和努力的程度。本研究檢驗了羅素因果歸因維度量表,並以此量表檢 測量表的信度與效度 。藉由量表結果分析選手面對成功與失敗的不同情境時的歸因傾 向,並研究了焦慮與歸因傾向的關係 。結果發現柔道選手面對成功傾向於內部的 、不 穩定可控制的歸因 ;而面對失敗傾向於內部的、穩定可控制的歸因。在不同焦慮狀態 下,歸因的內外源維度方面存在著差異 ,穩定性和可控性方面則不存在差異。因此證 明柔道選手內外源是歸因於不穩定因素 ,且受到焦慮的影響。 關鍵詞關鍵詞 :歸因: 、內外控、穩定性、焦慮 關鍵詞關鍵詞 :: Study on the attribution of judo players’ performance Yen-Cheng Lu Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology Abstract In recent years, sport attribution tendencies studies caused extensive attention of the psychological educational circles. It has developed already transforming from theoretical research to actual test. A lot of researches have proven that the results of competition have influence on the players mood, attitude and diligent degree. This research adopted Russells causal dimension scale and investigated judo player ’s attribution on different situation of the successes and failures. In addition, the relationship between anxiety and attribution has also been examined. Results indicated that judo players attributed success to inside, unstable and controllable reasons; and attributed fail to inside, stable and controllable reason. Under different anxious situations, the internal and external resources exists some variation, and have no difference in stability and controllability. It proves that internal and external resources belong to destabilizing factor, and are influenced by anxiety. Keywords: attribution, internal and external control, stability, anxiety


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