Unit 8. Three days to see课件.ppt

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Unit 8. Three days to see课件

Three Days To See;Three Days To See;If I were stricken blind and deaf, I would …;Helen Keller;?;3;;Learning Experiences ; Before Helen’s seventh birthday, the family hired a private tutor — Anne Sullivan. Anne Sullivan had lost the majority of her sight at the age of five. Sullivan opened the outer world to Helen. Sullivan has become Helen’s mentor. They had profound relationship. ;Pre-reading ;What Did She Learned?;At the age of 16 Helen passed the admissions examinations for Radcliffe College. On 28 June 1904 Helen graduated from Radcliffe College, becoming the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.;Honor Contribution;Help blind and deaf people by collecting money, making speeches, and trying to change people’s attitudes. An excellent social innovator: active in various campaigns (birth control, trade unionism, child labour, capital punishment). Give lectures after lectures. Affect and inspire many people. ;Everyone is an apple bitten by God, so nobody has no defect! Maybe someone has a bigger one, that is only because God especially love his or her sweet-smelling.;;Unit 8; What would you want to do if you have only a limited time to live?; 1. Become more appreciate the meaning of life; 2. Review the past; 3. Think about how to spend the limited time; …;Be merry;When you look, do you see? ;Background of the Speech ;As Helen convinced: When we see, we see nothing; When we hear, we hear nothing!;Skimming and Scanning;Let’s discuss together!; Helen’s seeing friends saw in the woods: Nothing in particular, even though just walked an hour through the woods. And, what about Helen? Nothing, too? Helen found hundreds of things to interest her through mere touch in the woods.;;Delightful, velvety of a flower;;;1st friends-animate and inanimate 2nd history of man and nature 3rd world of the present Sight would be the most delightful sense.; There were two miraculous people in the 19th


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