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中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件;;Listen to the recording and write down the words you hear. landfall aftermath harness festive mobilize irreversible impending staple manslaughter successive ;Paraphrase the following sentence. Presidential campaigning was in full swing Sunday with Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama planning to visit and discuss the economy in the state of Ohio.;backdrop n. background 背景 harbor v. to entertain or nourish a specified thought or feeling 怀有(某种特殊的思想或感情) harbor a grudge 满怀妒忌 lift off to begin flight 发射 ;with a vengeance with great force or more effort than before 猛烈地 legacy n. something handed down from an ancestor or from the past 遗产;Listen for facts. Remember to take notes. What’s the name of America’s first satellite into space? Explorer I What does the word ‘planet’ mean according to the passage? wanderer What’s the dream that people have been harboring for a long time? to touch the heavens;Listen for facts. Remember to take notes. When did people first land on moon? July 20th, 1969 What does the first lunar landing reveal to us? possible to live and work in space Why was the space shuttle described as revolutionary? the world’s first reusable space vehicle;vigil n. a period of time, especially during the night, when you stay awake in order to pray, remain with someone who is ill, or watch for danger 警戒、守夜 sobering adj. making you feel very serious 严肃的 authentic adj. based on facts 真实可信的 ;concur v. to be of the same opinion 同意 silo n. a large structure under the ground from which a large missile can be fired 发射井 adversary n. a country or person you are fighting or competing against 对手;genie n. a magical creature in old Arabian stories that will do what you want when you call it 精灵、妖怪 incinerate v. to burn something completely in order to destroy it 焚毁 languish v. fail to improve and develop or become successful 凋零、失败 ;wary adj. someone who is wary is careful because they think something might be dangerous or harmful 警惕的 We


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