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Objectives for Chapter 4: Customer Perceptions of Service Provide you with definitions and understanding of customer satisfaction and service quality Show that service encounters or the “moments of truth” are the building blocks of customer perceptions Highlight strategies for managing customer perceptions of service Figure 4-1 Customer Perceptions of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction Product/service quality Product/service attributes or features Consumer Emotions Attributions for product/service success or failure Equity or fairness evaluations Outcomes of Customer Satisfaction Increased customer retention Positive word-of-mouth communications Increased revenues Figure 4-3 Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Competitive Industries Service Quality The customer’s judgment of overall excellence of the service provided in relation to the quality that was expected. Process and outcome quality are both important. The Five Dimensions of Service Quality Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence. Physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of personnel. Caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers. Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. Exercise to Identify Service Attributes The Service Encounter is the “moment of truth” occurs any time the customer interacts with the firm can potentially be critical in determining customer satisfaction and loyalty types of encounters: remote encounters phone encounters face-to-face encounters is an opportunity to: build trust reinforce quality build brand identity increase loyalty Figure 4-4 A Service Encounter Cascade for a Hotel Visit Critical Service Encounters Research GOAL - understanding actual events and behaviors that cause customer dis/satisfaction in service encounters METHOD - Crit


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