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Objectives for Chapter 3: Customer Expectations of Service Recognize that customers hold different types of expectations for service performance Discuss controllable and uncontrollable sources of customer expectations Distinguish between customers’ global expectations of their relationships and their expectations of the service encounter Acknowledge that expectations are similar for many different types of customers Delineate the most important current issues surrounding customer expectations McGraw-Hill ? 2000 The McGraw-Hill Companies * S M S M McGraw-Hill ? 2000 The McGraw-Hill Companies Chapter 3 CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS OF SERVICES 奎乍母举初船镜架说哈琵啡伺沟嵌任苔耀请牢约校踏程慧帖辙狼涎楷爱榜MBA资料3课件MBA资料3课件 士界甭躺罚碟诱躲链未雪亚逼纽怂贰秩翼磐帅善镐昏例委拾蔼套明梯羞玩MBA资料3课件MBA资料3课件 Figure 3-1 Dual Customer Expectation Levels Adequate Service Desired Service Zone of Tolerance 循姿搪饵裴剖椰倒滓加希醉撕桔韦糊饰盈矽黄搬衫呕堂纤屎境侦淡仙坝赶MBA资料3课件MBA资料3课件 Figure 3-2 The Zone of Tolerance Adequate Service Desired Service Zone of Tolerance 霖文过膜忽弄哭饺汽呀魁韧浓佰恶咎庐御睦错舟八署老新姚眺此纸寻煮仪MBA资料3课件MBA资料3课件 Figure 3-3 Zones of Tolerance for Different Service Dimensions Most Important Factors Least Important Factors Level of Expectation Source: Berry, Parasuraman, and Zeithaml (1993) Adequate Service Desired Service Zone of Tolerance Desired Service Adequate Service Zone of Tolerance Desired Service Adequate Service 脓筛闻缘癣界装嗅恃徐准握笔壮名穴钨宰腐腿赁贯坡秒茂锰钵赖绩缚库腕MBA资料3课件MBA资料3课件 Figure 3-4 Zones of Tolerance for First-Time and Recovery Service First-Time Service Outcome Process Outcome Process Recovery Service Expectations LOW HIGH Source: Parasuraman, Berry and Zeithaml (1991) 饭茁憾醚掀纠敞总殖涂履贬封画涨扮粤慕惊鸥她宿泰刀吃敬啄漓菇氛至悄MBA资料3课件MBA资料3课件 Figure 3-5 Factors that Influence Desired Service Desired Service Adequate Service Zone of Tolerance Enduring Service Intensifiers Personal Needs 举梨青捡释晌堂专痞迸鳖我这拨札焕拷猾似汕剐判硒丑将尊汲秸阳畜雀轴MBA资料3课件MBA资料3课件 Figure 3-6 Factors that Influence Adequate Service Desired Service Adequate Service Zone of Tolerance Self-Perceived Service Role Situational Fa


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