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MBA写作练习 社科赛斯 顾巍 图表作文 汉英互译练习 1 从柱状图中我们可以推导出书信不像E-mail这样流行。 It can be concluded from the bar chart that letters are not as popular as E-mails. 2. 该表格提供了有关美国离婚率的数据。 The table provides some data concerning the divorce rate in America. 3. 和去年相比,今年坐飞机的人数上升了30%. Compared with last year, the number of people taking airplanes increased by 30%. 4.如图所示,全球的用水量急剧增长。 As is indicated/revealed in the chart, the global water use rose sharply. 5. 与发展中国家相比,发达国家消耗更多能源。 Compared with developing countries, developed countries consume more energy. 6.从2000年到2010年,该数字呈逐渐下降趋势。 The figure showed a gradual decrease from 2000 to 2010. 7. 该图描述了这个村庄在过去十年的发展变化。 The chart depicts/indicates/shows the development of the village in the past decade. 8.值得关注的是,2005年澳大利亚生活在贫困中的各类家庭比例高达9%. What is noticeable is that in 2005, the percentage of all Australian households living in poverty was as high as 9%. 9. 从图中我们可以清楚的看出伦敦的地铁线最长,几乎是巴黎的2倍。 It can be seen clearly from the chart that London has the longest railway distance, which is almost twice as long as that of Paris. 10 如曲线图所示,最近5年来世界人口飞速增长。 It is suggested/revealed/indicated in the curve graph that there has been a rapid increase in the population all over the world in the past 5 years.. 11. 这个工厂生产的彩电已由2004年的50,000增加到2007年的210,000. The number of color TV sets produced by the factory increased from 50,000in 2004 to 210,000 in 2007. 12 可以看到随着年龄的增长,孩子出现交通事故的次数在不断下降。 It can be seen that the incidence of accidents among children decreases as the children’s age increases. 13. 上升两个星期后,8月份开始平稳。 The rise lasted for two weeks and then began to level off in August. 14. 其他年份都呈现出逐步增长趋势。 All the other years witnessed a gradual increase. 15 该图表展示了六个城市地铁系统的特点。 The table demonstrates the features of the underground railway systems in 6 cities. 根据图表,简要描述2000年、2009年某城市人们度假方式的情况及其变化 As is shown clearly in the table, there was a noticeable change in the way people spent their holidays from 2000 to 2009. In 2000, 63% of people spent their holidays at home, while the figure


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