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17 15 2006 8 1 2 2 2 2 2 朱元右 姜银方 杨继昌 杨 霆 俞春明 陈建希 1. 南京工程学院, 南京, 211100 2. 江苏大学, 镇江, 212013 : 将拼焊板盒 件分解成包含横向或纵向焊缝的U 件拼焊板, 从分析简单U 件 拼焊板出发, 考虑压边圈类型及压边力大小和分布焊缝位置和方向等因素的作用, 研究盒 件拼焊板金属流动规律和焊缝移动原因及移动趋向研究结果表明: 横向焊缝移动是由于厚 薄两侧的负载能力和负载差异引起的; 纵向焊缝移动是由于侧壁主应变的差异引起的; 盒 件 底部的焊缝具有U 件横向焊缝的移动特征, 盒 件裙边和侧壁上的焊缝移动的原因不同于 U 件的纵向焊缝, 且移动方向也不尽相同 : ; ; ; : T G386 : 1004 132X( 2006) 15 1618 05 Analysis of Weld- line Movement in Tailor- welded Blanks Formation 1 2 2 2 2 2 Zhu Yuanyou Jiang Yinfang Yang Ji hang Yang T ing Yu Chunming Chen Jianx i 1. Nanjing Institute of T e hnology, Nanjing, 210013 2. Jiangsu U niversity, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212013 Abstract: A squar e box w as divided into tw o parts w hi h w er e T WBs ones of U shape w ith trans- verse w elding line and U shape w ith longitudinal w elding line . T he me hanism of the metal flow and the w elding line movement w as investigated in the forming of the tw o parts by numer i al simulation in the situation of different binder hold for es ( BHF) , BHF distribution, the positions and dir e tions of the w elding line movement, and the str ess and strain distribution to analyze farther the square box of TWBs. To U part w ith transverse w elding line, the w elding line movement resulted fr om the different load abilities betw een the thi k and thin side. T o U part with longitudinal w elding line, the disparity of the prin ipal strain in the side w all resulted in w elding line movement. T o T WBs squar e box , the w elding line in the bottom of the box has hara teristi s of the transverse w elding line of the U part, and the w elding lin


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