adiology MR Arthrography of Rotator Interval, (adiology先生的旋转关节摄影术间隔,).pdf

adiology MR Arthrography of Rotator Interval, (adiology先生的旋转关节摄影术间隔,).pdf

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adiology MR Arthrography of Rotator Interval, (adiology先生的旋转关节摄影术间隔,)

Review y g Yoav Morag, MD MR Arthrography of Rotator o l Jon A. Jacobson, MD o Gregory Shields, MD Interval, Long Head of the i Rajiv Rajani, BS d David A. Jamadar, MB, BS Biceps Brachii, and Biceps a Bruce Miller, MD 1 R Curtis W. Hayes, MD Pulley of the Shoulder Published online before print 10.1148/radiol.2351031455 Radiology 2005; 235:21–30 The rotator interval and the long head of the biceps brachii tendon are anatomically closely associated structures believed to confer stability to the shoulder joint. Ab- 1 From the Departments of Radiology normalities of the rotator interval may be acquired or congenital and are associated (Y.M., J.A.J., G.S., R.R., D.A.J., C.W.H.) with instability of the long head of the biceps brachii tendon. Clinical and arthro- and Orthopaedic Surgery (B.M.), Uni- versity of Michigan Medical Center, scopic diagnoses of rotator interval abnormalities and subtle instability patterns of 1500 E Medical Center Dr, TC 2307, the long head of the biceps brachii tendon are difficult. Magnetic resonance Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0001. Received arthrography, owing to its superior depiction of ligaments with distention of the September 8, 2003; revision re- quested November 19; revision re- joint capsule, may be the procedure of choice, barring open surgery, for help in ceived February 16, 2004; accepted diagnosis of these conditions. April 20. Addr


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