A Tutorial on the Dynamics and Control of Wind (教程的动力学和控制的风).pdf

A Tutorial on the Dynamics and Control of Wind (教程的动力学和控制的风).pdf

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A Tutorial on the Dynamics and Control of Wind (教程的动力学和控制的风)

A Tutorial on the Dynamics and Control of Wind Turbines and Wind Farms Lucy Y. Pao and Kathryn E. Johnson Abstract— Wind energy is currently the fastest-growing en- ergy source in the world, with a concurrent growth in demand for the expertise of engineers and researchers in the wind energy field. There are still many unsolved challenges in expanding wind power, and there are numerous problems of interest to systems and control researchers. In this paper, we first review the basic structure of wind turbines and then describe wind turbine control systems and control loops. Of great interest are the generator torque and blade pitch control systems, where significant performance improvements are achievable with more advanced systems and control research. We describe recent developments in advanced controllers for wind turbines and wind farms, and we also outline many open problems in the areas of modeling and control of wind turbines. I . INTRODUCTION Wind energy is a fast-growing interdisciplinary field that encompasses many different branches of engineering and science. According to the American Wind Energy Associ- ation, the installed capacity of wind grew at an average rate of 29% per year over the years 2002-2007 [1]. At the end of 2007, the installed capacity in the United States was nearly 17,000 megawatts (MW) and the worldwide Fig. 1. The installed wind energy capacity worldwide has grown signifi- installed capacity was over 94,000 MW (see Fig. 1). Wind cantly over the last decade. Capacities for



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